Page 14 of Love, Interrupted

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Meg finally finds her voice again. “What are you going to do about Andy and the formal?”

“Nothing. Just because Brad came over and hung out doesn’t mean he’s going to miraculously be able to go to the formal withme and honestly, I’m not going to ask him about it even if Andy would bail.”

“Oh, trust me. Andy isn’t going to bail. He was at one of the parties last night after the scrimmage and he was talking about how he can’t wait to go with you.” Lola’s eyes sparkle as she tells me this news. “He’s completely smitten with you.”

“That’s unfortunate. I like Andy, he’s a good guy but we’re just friends. We’re definitely not going to be anything but friends…”

In true Lola fashion she retorts. “Then maybe you shouldn’t let him stick his tongue into your mouth.”

I give her a flat look. “Thanks for the suggestion.”

Before we can bicker any longer Meg steps in. “Now, now you two. I swear if I didn’t know you both so well, I’d think you’re more enemies than friends.” Lola sticks her tongue out in reply and I roll my eyes.

“What are you going to do now?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t really have a plan. Keep doing what I have been? Talk to him, be friends and hope that he’s secretly pining away for me. In the meantime, I’m going to focus on finishing the semester, going to formal and then getting to rest for the majority of summer before our senior year starts.”

“That’s the boring route.” Lola tells me as she gets up off the bed and leaves the room, going down the hall I hear her yell: “Kiss him! Plant one on him!”

Meg sits on the edge of the bed looking pensive. “Sweetie, you know I love you like family. I don’t want you waiting around.”

“I swear I’m not waiting around for him. I mean, I kinda am but I’m still out there living my life. I promise.” Her earlier enthusiasm is waning and her face tell me that she’s filled with concern.

She bites her lip. “I think Brad is great, I really do and I think you guys would be so cute together but I just don’t want to seeyou unhappy. If he causes you to be unhappy because he’s moving at a snail’s pace, I think you should just cut ties and move on.”

“Meg, when have you ever known me to do something that doesn’t make me happy?”

This get’s her to brighten. “Never.”

I give her my practiced “I’m ready” face and waiting for her response. “Exactly. Now since you woke me up in the creepiest way possible, what are you making for breakfast?”


April 2005

Istare at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is curled and pulled up, pinned to perfection. My makeup is looking great, just saying, after spending the last hour completing it and my skin has that sun kissed look since I’ve been outside so much recently. My dress: a black and white halter dress with sporadic diamonds sprinkled near the bottom, fits me like a glove. It only took me ten tries to find the perfect dress for the occasion.

I eye the clock on the wall knowing Andy will be here any minute to pick me up. Meg and Justin left earlier and Lola just headed out the door to meet her new flavor of the month. Luckily, the venue that the sorority booked is only a few minutes away so I’ll only be fashionably late. It’s also going to have food thank—God because I’ve only had a snack today. My nerves have been getting to me so it’s been hard to eat when my stomach felt like it was in knots.

My palms feel sweaty and if my dress wasn’t silk, I’d rub them against it in an attempt to dry them. All day I’ve been trying to keep my nerves at bay. Tonight is meant to be fun but right nowmy anxiety is at an all time high. Andy and I have been friends for years but after that night of kissing it feels different. Hopefully, I’m just overthinking how I typically do everything in my life. I give myself one last look in the mirror and turn to grab my small clutch.

Before I can even pick it up off the bed, I hear a knock at our front door. I take a deep breath to steady myself, grab my clutch and make my way to the door. I check the peephole because you can never be too careful and see Andy standing there. I step back and open the door. His wide, easy-going smile greets me and instantly puts all my worries at ease. I remind myself that this is Andy and he’s always been a gentleman to me. I step aside and gesture for him to come inside. I don’t know if he was planning on leaving instantly but I still need to fix the strap on one of my shoes.

“Come in. I just need one more minute.”

He leans down and gives me a quick hug. “You look great Nikki.” He stands back and admires my dress. “Stunning as always.”

“Aw, thank you. I tried. You look great too.” And he does. He’s wearing a black suit and a pristine white dress shirt with a silver tie. It’s almost as if we coordinated our outfits but alas we did not. His dark hair is styled and gelled making his square jaw more prominent. I’m sure all of my sorority sisters will have their panties melting once they get a good look at him tonight.

We sit down on the couch and I go about tightening the strap on my shoe so we can get going. Andy watches me with keen interest. I look up and wink at him. It’s like hanging out with the male version of Erica.. “You’re going to have all the girls staring at you tonight.”

He shrugs his shoulders. “Eh, I’m only worried about one tonight.”

Andy has always been a flirt. If I didn’t know that fact about him, I’d think that he was serious. Either way, I push up off thecouch conveying the message I’m ready to go. He gives me his best sexy smirk but doesn’t push the subject. “Let’s go have some fun.”

I lock my apartment door and we make our way down the three flights of stairs. Andy is patient with me as I slowly make my way down in my heels so I don’t take a tumble or break an ankle. When we get to the parking lot, I see a massive truck. It would only need to be raised a few more inches to be in one of those monster truck shows that come to town. He must see the terror on my face, of trying to figure out how I’m going to maneuver myself up into his truck in this dress because he’s holding his stomach and trying to hold in his laughter.

“Is this truck you?”
