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“I will see the two of you next weekend,” Jay tells my girls, before looking back at me. “I hope I see you again before the party but ifnot, I’ll be the one wearing the crown.” He offers me a wink and then gives a wave to the girls before backing away and walking back in the opposite direction.


. . .


“What are you doing?” Georgia rounds the desk and looks over my shoulder. “You’ve been staring at the computer for the last two hours, with this perplexed look on your face. Wait, are those Barbies?”

“Are Barbies not good?”

“Well, I guess it depends on what you need them for. And if you tell me you have some secret fetish, you should know I’ll be on the phone in a second blasting the news to every person I know.”

She sits on the corner of the desk and crosses her arms over her chest.

“I have no idea what to buy Zoey’s girls for their birthday party next weekend.” I’m stressing over four year olds gifts.

“Oh wow.” She grabs the chair from the opposite side and drags it around the desk. “So we’re shopping for the twins, okay.”We’re?Okay, she’s now in this with me, I’ll take it.

“Those little babies love princess everything.” She pulls the keyboard over closer and starts typing away. “Dress up, jewels, magical, mystically fun.” She hits enter and the screen fills with several princess themed items.

“I know for a fact Riley is obsessed with all things Cinderella and Regan loves Ariel the mermaid.” I am on full alert wondering how she knows all this about Zoey’s girls. “Riley is sassy, and head strong, while Regan is more impressionable and sensitive. They came in here once in dress up clothes because they refused to wear anything else. Doc played along, bowing as they entered and they both laughed and curtsied it was adorable.” I can practically picture the very thing she describes.

“Are you thinking big, small, somewhere in the middle?” She asks me, scrolling over the screen.

“Wait stop.” She lifts her finger.

“I’m pretty sure if you buy the girls a horse, Zoey might get a little pissed. Not sure she’s got the yard space for it.”

“I’m not buying them a horse,” I tell Georgia before clicking the mouse and the screen flips to party rentals.

“That would most definitely make an impression for sure.” Georgia says and I grab the phone and dial the number. “So you don’t even want to think this over then?” I hear her mumble but I don’t pay her any attention.

Fifteen minutes later I’m tucking my credit card back into my wallet and rocking back in my chair feeling on top of the world with excitement.

All Georgia can do is smile at me.


“Nothing,” she stands and takes the chair back to the opposite side of the desk. “Those two girls are going to have every other girl in town envious of them. Eric may kick your ass for setting the bar so high, but if I was a little girl and got a gift like you just purchased, I would feel like a princess for sure.”

“Do you have the gifts?” Grams asks as I help her out of the car.

“I do.” I smile proudly, grabbing the two small bags from the backseat and holding them up. They may not be my main gift, but I couldn’t show up empty handed. Plus what’s in the bags goes perfectly with the big gift which will show up at three.

Asking Grams to come with me to the birthday party for Riley and Regan was my first thought when I walked away from them after my invite. She keeps herself pretty busy with the ladies from church and the different community committees she is on. Between all those and her knitting and baking habits, she rarely has a quiet moment.

Getting her out of the house as often as I can it my goal. We have lunch every Sunday and dinner at her place one night a week.

We walked up the driveway her arm hooked through mine. Streamers line the driveway with pink and purple balloons and a path leading around the house to the backyard. Tables set up covered in matching pink and purple tablecloths the light breeze making them flutter and sway.

A piñata hangs from a tree, a unicorn or maybe it’s just a horse.

Little girls in dresses run around the yard squealing and laughing, chaos in full effect and it’s beautiful.

As I scan over the yard, I can pick out the twins in the masses. Matching dresses the very same I saw displayed in the back of Zoey’s shop the first night I drop in on her.

Their blonde hair bouncing around in ringlets of curls.
