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I step up next to him and notice that Marcy refuses to make eye contact with me.

“Thanks, Jay,” Gavin offers as he attempts to pull his wallet out of his back pocket while maneuvering his daughter.

“Marcy can bill you.” I gently rub his daughter back. “Get this little one home and the two of you try to get some sleep.” Gavin offers me a thanks. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call. It will ring through as a page.”

Marcy stands and hurries around the desk. “Here, I’ll walk you out.” I try not to laugh at her obvious avoidance. She can’t wait to get away from me.

I could wait it out and talk through the awkwardness this morning has triggered but I remember what I have waiting upstairs. I pull off my coat, place it on the hook, and start walking toward the stairway.

As I reach the top, I glance over toward the bed just as Zoey stands. I pause, scanning over her from head to toe. She’s wearing a pair of my running pants and though they aren’t as tight on her as they are meant to be, they’ll still pass. It’s the shirt she chose, on her it looks more like a dress, hitting close to her knees. I watch is awe as she grabs the hem, twisting it and then tucking it into the waistband of the pants.

That is when she looks up to notice me standing there.

“Hey,” her smile lights up her face. “I hope it’s okay that I chose these.”

She is wearing my University of Alabama Medical School T-shirt, and I’d never considered it to be a turn on until she put it on.

I walk across the room, stop before her, and without wasting another moment, I cup the side of her face, tip her chin upward and press my lips to hers. Zoey melts against me, a small whimper escapes her just as I break through the barrier of her lips and drag my tongue over hers.

“What was that for?” she whispers as I slowly pull back trying my hardest to rein in my urges. Having her here, after last night and then again early this morning, I feel a little out of control.

“This shirt has never looked so good,” I confess, and she laughs, pressing her forehead to my chest. “I’m gonna need a minute.” She lifts her head, looking up at me with curiosity. That’s when I shift forward and her eyes grow wide. “Like I said, I love my shirt on you.”

We remain there, slowly rocking, and she nuzzles in, as I wrap my arms around her.

“I called Gigi, she’s getting the girls dressed.”

“You’re gonna let me take my ladies to breakfast.” Yes, I called them mine, all three of them. I meant what I said last night. When I told her I’m never letting go. Those words weren’t meant only for her, but for Riley and Regan too. I already feel like they are mine.

“When she told them that Prince Jay was picking them up for breakfast, they squealed so loud that I had to take the phone from my ear.”

“They are so much fun.”

“You say that now but wait until the day that they’ve not had a nap and nothing seems to make them happy.”

“You talked of these times,” I tell her. “But I can’t seem to imagine them to be real.”

“Oh you wait.” She laughs. “Especially Riley, she is my warrior, and she gets vicious. Regan just gets whiney and clingy.”

“I just need to jump in the shower real quick and then we’ll head out.” Offering her another kiss, I slip away and hurry to get ready.

Fifteen minutes later we are walking down the stairs and I notice the way Zoey peeks around the corner. “They’re gone,” I tell her, and her body jerks in reaction to my voice.

“I didn’t want there to be a patient seeing me sneaking.”

“And why is it you are sneaking?”

“People in this town talk,” she adds, grabbing the door handle and pulling open the back door.

“They do talk, but I’m not afraid of what they have to say.” Immediately she lifts her hand and attempts to cover her face. “Do you really think that hiding your face is going to make people think it’s not you with me.”

“Yes, maybe.” She shrugs. “It could be anyone.”

I hook an arm around her waist and spin her quickly, making her yelp in surprise. “No, it couldn’t.”

“Why couldn’t it be?” Zoey purses her lips and arches a brow.

“I think the second I rolled into town and they knew I was staying they were waiting for this to happen.”
