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Rori playfully slaps his chest. “Don’t get any ideas.”

Calista wrinkles her nose. “There’s nothing we can do about it now. But if you see Les lurking around her house, feel free to pretend to be Lucy’s boyfriend.”

“Calista!” Lucy’s boot thumps against the floor when she stomps. “Please stay out of it.” Her bulging eyes lock on her friend in an unwavering stare.

Calista throws her hands up in the air. “Fine. But you can’t stop me from worrying about you.”

Lucy shrugs, and her sweater slips farther off her shoulder, teasing me. “Go nuts, but keep it to yourself. I don’t want you butting in.” Her eyes are bulging slightly less as they move to me. “And I certainly don’t need a watchdog.” She raises one brow in question, and I nod.

Now that I’m aware of the situation, I’ll be on the watch for this Les dude. Maybe I need to have a come-to-Jesus talk with him. The idea of him making Lucy uncomfortable doesn’t sit well with me, making me a hypocrite because I’ve made her uncomfortable a time or two. But I’ve been an asshole to her, not a lecherous creep, and there’s a massive difference between the two.

I’m closing the dishwasher when my phone dings, letting me know I have text. I finish putting away the coffee mug in my hand before plucking my phone from the counter.

Maeve:We’re here.

Grinning, I hurry to the front door and open it as she’s about to knock. “Hey, you two!” I step backward, inviting them inside.

“Hello, big brother,” she says, smiling as she passes.

“Hey, Niall.” My younger brother, Rogan, greets me with a smile as he enters. They both set down their bags before I yank them into individual hugs. But then, like always, we inevitably end up in a group hug, and when we draw back, there isn’t a dry eye in sight.

I clear my throat. “God, it’s great to see your ugly mugs.”

Maeve shoves my shoulder with her hand. “It’s good to see you and your ugly mug too.”

“Bro, you been hitting the gym extra hard?” Rogan asks.

“Yeah, I have. Some of my teammates get together for extra workouts, and I’ve been joining them.”

He nods. “I can tell. You look great.”

“Thanks, Ro.” I take a moment to look at him. It’s been four months since I’ve seen either of them. “You’re looking pretty large yourself. You’re not roiding up, are you?”

“As if I’d do that. Natural is the only way to go. I make all my gains with hard work.”

“Glad to hear it.” I hold my fist out, and he bumps it with his.

“Let me show you where you’re sleeping.” I pick up my sister’s things and head to the guest room. “Maeve, you’re staying in here.” I place her bags on the bed.

Her bright blue eyes scan the space. “This is cute.”

“I’m glad you approve. I haven’t even been in this room since I moved in. Calista, the owner, left all her furniture and linens when she moved out.”

“That’s convenient,” she says. “Why would she leave this place? It’s adorable.”

“She moved in with one of my teammates.”

“Which one?” she asks.

“Ryder Goode.”

She waves her hand, fanning her face. “Oh Lord, she’s a lucky woman.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t know that, sis. It was all over social media,” Rogan says.

“I’ve been busy with schoolwork.” She nudges his arm with hers. “Some of us actually study.”

He smirks. “I study.”
