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“I don’t plan on having any of those,” he says.

Shaking my head, I mutter, “The ignorance of youth.”

Lucy’s eyes meet mine as she nods her agreement. She swallows down some of her spiked eggnog and clears her throat. “Rogan, time passes faster than you realize, and life surprises you with unexpected things. No one plans to go through difficulties, but it’s inevitable you will.”

Something in her tone makes me think she’s been through some trials. For a brief moment, I feel less alone in my loss.

“How you handle those challenges determines what kind of person you are,” Lucy adds.

“Fuck that. I’m skipping the challenges and playing professional football,” Rogan boasts, smirking.

“Don’t waste your breath giving him advice he won’t take,” Maeve tells Lucy.

“It’s not that I don’t appreciate your wisdom. It’s not needed, though. I’ve got my life all planned out,” he says.

“I had plans at your age. Ask me how they worked out,” Lucy says.

“How’d they work out?” He indulges her request with an amused smile.

“Nothing like I thought they would. If they had, my show would be known worldwide, and I’d probably be married with a kid or two.”

Her honesty surprises me. She didn’t have to share such personal details. But I’m beginning to realize what an open and caring woman she is. She’s treating me no differently than my siblings, despite what an ass I’ve been to her.

“But you’re not unhappy, right?” he asks.

“Not at all. The point I want to make is that you can outline how you want every moment of your life to happen, but there’s no foolproof way to ensure you don’t deviate from that plan. While we control what we say and do, a giant portion is left to chance.”

Rogan nods. “I understand that, but I’m not dwelling on it. If life kicks me in the nuts, I deal with it the best I can, as my family has taught me. I’ve had great examples of how to handle adversity.” Rogan’s eyes swing to me and he winks.

I’m glad he thinks I set a good example, and I always want to be someone he looks up to. But I’ve not been proud of my behavior since I learned of Destiny’s betrayal. I’m sure I could’ve handled it better. But there’s no manual for how to act when youhave a child ripped away from you. Bella is alive and well, but my role as her father was unexpectedly snatched away. I coped by closing myself off from everyone—even my own family.

Having my siblings staying with me has made me realize how far my life went off the rails. But it’s not too late to get back on track. Their visit has been a step in the right direction and I’m already noticing the difference in small ways. Hell, I’ve smiled more than once at Lucy tonight, and it felt better than I anticipated.

I turn my head in her direction, finding her watching me. My lips reflexively curve, and when she smiles back at me, the heaviness in my chest lessens.



Maeve suggests havingdessert in the living room so we can sit by the Christmas tree. Holding the gift bags with one hand and my plate of sweets with the other, I follow my new friend and lower beside her on the couch. Rogan drops down on my other side, and Niall sits in the armchair.

“Who made the brownies?” I ask.

Maeve wiggles her fingers. “That would be me.”

“They’re perfectly chewy.” I take another bite, humming with satisfaction.

“Niall made the cookies,” Maeve says.

My head snaps in his direction. “Really?” He nods slowly. I raise the chocolate chip-dotted cookie to my mouth, taking a bite. He watches me as I chew. I’m tempted to spit it into a napkin just to fuck with him, but it tastes too good to waste any.

“Well?” Maeve prods.

“It’s delicious,” I say. Niall’s lips stretch into a wide smile, causing a flutter in my stomach.

“It’s the O’Rourke family recipe,” he tells me.

“I might need you to share that with me.” I take another bite.
