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“It’s been a long time since a handsome man walked me home. But I guess you’ll do,” I joke.

His laugh is so loud it echoes. Shooting my hand up, I cover his mouth. His warm, soft lips graze my palm as I slide my hand free, making me curious about what they’d feel like pressed against mine. “Shh. It’s late. You’ll wake up the neighbors.”

“We can’t have that,” he says. “Although, I have it on good authority that one of my neighbors is wide awake.”

“Maybe so, but with how close the houses are in this neighborhood, it’s easy to disturb others.”

He holds his arm out like the perfect gentleman. I wrap my hand around his well-defined bicep, and it’s all I can do to keep my fingers from exploring the rest of his arm. Even with him delivering me right to the door, the walk is over too quickly.

I catch movement from the corner of my eye and curse.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“It’s Les, my creepy neighbor.” I tip my head toward Les’s yard, where he’s currently lurking.

Niall turns his head, his eyes seeking out Les. “Does he realize we can see him?”

“I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to care.”

Niall strides to the side of my porch. “Dude, what’s up?”

“Just getting some fresh air,” Les says.

“Maybe you should keep your eyes to yourself while you get your air,” Niall suggests. “You’re making my friend uncomfortable, and I don’t like that.”

“I didn’t realize I was,” he says, holding up his hands.

“Well, now that you know, that means it won’t happen again, right?”

“Right.” Les vehemently shakes his head.

“Good. I live on the other side of Lucy. I’d hate to hear she’s having a problem.”

“She won’t,” Les says before he walks away. Niall’s eyes remain on him until he disappears inside his home.

Niall retraces his steps to me. “Does that piece of shit spy on you all the time?”

“He’s always skulking around.”

“What would’ve happened if I hadn’t walked you home?”

“I don’t know, but he’s never done more than stare. At least as far as I know.”

“If you see him watching you anymore, I want to know.”

“Niall, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m a grown woman who’s been caring for herself for a long time.”

His hands gently hold my upper arms as he dips his head, staring into my eyes. “Promise me you’ll let me know if he continues to stalk you.”

I laugh. “He’s my neighbor. How can that be considered stalking?”

“Just because someone lives next to you, it doesn’t mean they’re a good person.”

“Does that count for you too?” I ask.

“Yes. You don’t know me well enough to trust me. You should be cautious of everyone unless you know them well.”

“At the ripe old age of thirty-five, I’ve finally become an effective judge of character. I can tell you’re a nice guy beneath all that grump.”
