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“Yes, I would. I’d love your first hockey experience to be one where I play.”

She chews on her bottom lip. “How long does the game last?”

“We play for a total of sixty minutes, but with intermissions and commercial breaks, you’re looking at around two and a half hours.”

She shoots a side-eye glance at me. “That’s one hundred fifty minutes of my life I won’t be able to get back.”

I laugh. “I think you mean one hundred fifty minutes of life-changing fun.”

“I guess we’ll see,” she says.

“Does that mean you’re going?” I keep the hope from my voice.

“Yes, I’ll go.”

I grin triumphantly. “You won’t regret this decision. I’ll have Maeve get in touch with you to work out the details.”


Moving the blanket from my legs, I stand. “I better make sure my siblings aren’t beating the snot out of each other. I haven’t heard Rogan scream, so that’s a good sign.”

“Thank you for the cookies. I’ll be digging into them later.”

“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Lucy.”

“Merry Christmas, Niall.”

Once I’m off the porch, I take a glance over at Les’s yard to see if he’s hiding behind any bushes. Fortunately for him, he’s not and I’m able to return home. When I step inside the front door, Maeve and Rogan are waiting.

My eyes bounce between them. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Why?” she asks.

“You’re both waiting for me like you need to tell me something.”

Rogan laughs. “Nope, we just wanted to pounce on you the minute you walked through the door.”


Maeve bounces on the balls of her feet. “Because we know you went over Lucy’s.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So you must like her, right?” Rogan asks.

“She’s a very nice woman.”

“Drop the polite act,” Maeve says. “We know you like her. If you didn’t, there’s no freaking way you’d have gone over there.”

“You two seem to forget I’ve never had a problem speaking to women.”

“Yeah, but that was before Destiny was such a cunt,” Rogan says.

“Eww, I hate that word.” Maeve covers her ears.

“I’m sorry. Not that I called her that, because there’s no other word that applies as well. But I know that word is offensive to women.”

“Wow, an apology, and you admitted I’m a woman,” Maeve jokes. I think she’s trying to lighten things up after Rogan brought up Destiny.
