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“We can table this discussion for now. But sometime soon I’m going to relish being able to say I told you so.” She smirks.

“I guess we’ll see.”

Niall doesn’t make it back to the seat next to me before we decide to leave, which has me convinced Maeve is completely off base with her assumptions.

“Are you okay to drive?” I ask Rogan.

“Yeah, I only had one beer and that was two hours ago.”

“Rogan, let’s go to BLITZED. They’re open late tonight. I’ve been dying to go there,” Maeve says, mentioning a local club.

“I’m down,” he says.

“I am not down for a nightclub and you’re my ride home,” I point out.

“That’s an easy fix,” Maeve says. “Niall. Get over here,” she shouts.

He finishes saying goodbye to his friends before wandering over. “What’s up?”

“Rogan and I are going to BLITZED, so Lucy needs a ride home.”

“I’ve got you,” he tells me.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You live next door to me. It’s not like it’s out of my way.” He laughs.


He shifts his focus to his siblings. “Who’s driving?”

“I am,” Rogan says.

“If you drink at all, I want you to call for an Uber.” He hands money to Rogan.

“I will.”

“Take care of Maeve.”

Rogan nods.

“I’m an adult, Niall. I’ll be fine,” she fires at him.

“I know, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t keep an eye on you.”

“I hope you two have fun. You can tell me about it tomorrow,” I say.

“Oh, I will,” she says, walking toward the car they rented for the week.

Rogan salutes Niall before strolling away. He clicks the button on the remote, unlocking the doors so Maeve can climb in.

“I hope they don’t kill each other in front of all those witnesses,” Niall jokes once we’re inside his Tahoe.

Putting on my seat belt, I smile. “They’ll be fine. Look at it this way, you don’t know what they’re getting into when they’re back home.”

“I like it that way. Ignorance is bliss.” He starts the engine.

“Speaking of bliss, you better get me home so I can crash on my bed before I fall asleep.”
