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“Let me help you get dressed before you fall asleep.” I sit up and grab the pajama pants I removed. I slip her feet through each opening and slide them upward. Lucy raises her hips so I can tug them up over her ass. I pull her to a seated position and slip the hoodie over her head. She gets her arms into the sleeves before I help her lie back down. I shift her onto my pillow and move in behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

“Night,” she whispers.

I draw her as close to me as I can. “Sleep tight, beautiful.”

My eyes are closed, but I’ve been awake and lying here thinking about last night. At first, I wondered if it was a dream, but theweight of Lucy in my arms proved it really happened. And I can’t wait to do it again… and more. What is it about this woman that makes her such a great fit for me in so many ways?

Is it her level of maturity? She has her career and a home to take care of.

Maybe it’s her kind heart. She’s practically become a member of my family. I think my siblings have adopted her.

She’s the kind of person you can confide in and she won’t tell a soul. She listened when I shared my situation and let me cry on her shoulder. And then she fed me.

She can’t help but be loving to everyone around her. Even me—the guy who was an asshole to her at first. The ice encasing my heart was no match for Lucy’s warmth. I didn’t stand a chance of resisting her. But what do I do about my feelings for her? Do I come clean? Or do I see how she acts this morning before I decide?

I feel the moment Lucy wakes. She jolts sharply and then lies perfectly still, as if she doesn’t want to wake me. My lips curve as I think about what’s happening in her mind. She’s freaking out. I can tell by how rigid she’s holding herself without even realizing it.

“Stop freaking out,” I say, trying to put her out of her misery.

“I’m not,” she says.

I laugh. “Liar.”

Her large brown eyes peer over her shoulder at me. “How can you tell?”

“You went from pliant in my arms to a stiff board that breathes.”

“Oh, jeez.” She drops face-first into the pillow.

“It’s okay. Don’t make this weird. We had a great night,” I say.

“If you must know, I’m out of practice.” She speaks into the pillow.

“I couldn’t tell. All your parts are perfect,” I say, poking her side.

She jumps and makes a squeaky sound, then glares at me with narrowed eyes. “That was mean.”

“I wanted to see your face, and now I can. What’s on the agenda for today?”

“We’ll have breakfast and then we need to reshoot one part from yesterday. Barry watched the clips we shot and said the lighting was off.”

“How long will that take?” I ask.

“Why? Are you eager to get away from me?” she asks, acting like she’s joking. But I think it’s not a joke so much as it’s her insecurity coming forth.

“No way. Now that I know how fantastic you look naked, you’re stuck with me,” I tell her.

“Well, I haven’t seen you naked yet, so that doesn’t seem fair,” she says in a sassy tone.

I place my arms behind my head on the pillow. “We can remedy that right now if you’d like.”

Her gaze scrolls up and down my physique, lingering below my waist. “That’s tempting, but I need to assess the damage the water did to my tent.” She sits up and puts her boots on, not bothering to lace them. “If you’re hungry, I’ll have breakfast set out in ten minutes.”

“Sounds good.”

Unzipping my tent, she exits through the small opening and stands. My sweatshirt hangs past mid-thigh on her, and she makes it look sexy. I want to see her wearing only that.

She walks toward her tent and I zip myself back inside mine to get dressed. I change into jeans and a t-shirt with a flannel on top. I have a jacket I can wear if needed, but this weekend hasn’t been cold. My hiking boots are next, and I lace them quickly. Irun a brush through my hair and tug on a black Coyotes beanie. My stomach growls, reminding me it’s past time for breakfast.
