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Wendy releases a loud scoffing sound and pats him on the shoulder. “That’s a good one, honey.”

“Hey, to me, you’re a goddess and always will be,” he says, sliding his arm around her. He pulls her closer, pressing a kiss to her temple.

Swoon! Where can I find a man like this?

I want someone to think I’m a goddess, even if I’m a short, athletic brunette instead of a curvy redhead.

“That’s so sweet,” I say.

Wendy stares up at him with love in her eyes. “He has his moments.”

“Let’s go find Ryder. I know he’ll want to see you,” Calista suggests. “We’ll catch up with you two in a bit.”

“Don’t worry about us,” Murphy says, a salacious grin on his lips and his gleaming orbs locked on Wendy.

I hurry along beside Calista. “Slow down, legs. Some of us shorties can’t go so fast.”

She adjusts her pace, allowing me to catch up. “Sorry about that. Those two always give off the vibe that they’re about to tear each other’s clothes off at any second.”

“Yeah, I picked up on that. If they disappear, we’ll know what they’re up to.”

We find Ryder in the kitchen, surrounded by other people. Calista walks right through the middle of the group. “Look who’s here.”

Ryder steps forward, giving me a quick hug. “How are you doing, Luce?”

“I’m sad without my best friend living next door.” I exaggerate a pout. “But it looks like farm life agrees with her, so I can’t be too salty about it.”

“She misses you too,” he says. “I’m glad you were able to make it tonight.”

“Me too,” Calista chimes in. “I would’ve dragged you here if you weren’t coming.”

I flutter my lashes. “Like I’d miss the chance to hobnob with all these famous people.”

“Ha. Do you know who anyone is?” Calista asks. She knows I never watch hockey.

“Nope. Just one.” I punch Ryder’s arm. “I guess that makes you special.”

He laughs. “Lucky me. Calista will have to bring you to a game sometime so you can see how awesome hockey is for yourself.”

“Yeah, sitting in a cold arena, freezing my ass cheeks off, isn’t my thing.”

“You’d rather be in a forest, freezing your ass cheeks off,” Calista says.

I tip my head toward her. “True.”

“How goes the search for Sasquatch?” Ryder asks with what appears to be genuine interest.

“It’s going. I haven’t had any groundbreaking sightings lately.”

“I’ve watched your show with Calista. You do a great job of keeping things interesting,” he says.

“Thank you.”

“Hey, you’re Lucy Chase fromBigfoot’s Hairy Tale. I’m Rori Russo.” I open my mouth to speak, but she continues before I can. “Not that you’d know me. But my boyfriend plays on the same team as Ryder. Oh God. I’m babbling. I’m sorry.” She raises her left hand and slaps it over her mouth.

I can’t help but laugh. “Rori, I’m glad to meet you.” She takes hold of my extended hand, vigorously pumping up and down. “You can uncover your mouth now.” I nod with encouragement.

Her hand slides from her face, and she gnaws on her bottom lip, as if unsure she should speak. But her indecision is short-lived. “It’s nice to meet you.”
