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Chapter one


The masquerade mask is an intricate lacework of midnight and silver as I hold it in my trembling hands.

“Come on, Em!” Lily’s voice calls out from behind me, “Put it on already!”

I press the fabric to my face and pull the elastic tie around my hair. “How do I look?” I ask.

Lily materializes beside me, her mask adorned with sequins and iridescent feathers that catch the soft glow of the room's dim lighting.

“Positively bewitching!” she jokes. “But seriously, nobody will recognize you with that on.”

Standing in front of the mirror, I adjust my brown hair around the mask. My fingers graze the silky locks, guiding them into place with practiced ease.

“I hope so,” I say. “Nobody can know who we are once we get started.”

Lily nods as she ties her purple hair into a tight ponytail behind her mask. “Roger that,” she quips. She turns to me andruns her hands down her form-fitting black dress. “You told me that, like, a thousand times!”

I bite my lip, adjusting my own black dress. “I know,” I admit. “It’s just that if Chris sees us on Ben Hawthorne’s yacht again, he'll throw a fit. I mean, Ben did ban us last time.”

Lily picks up her purse. “Right. Steer clear of your brother. I know!” She unzips the purse and glances at its contents. “Check to make sure you have the supplies in your purse. We need to go.”

I nod, slinging my purse over my shoulder. As I follow Lily out the door, my fingers slip into the purse and feel the carefully cut pieces of paper inside.

“Got it,” I say as we step out into the warm nighttime air.

Before I know it, Lily and I approach Sovereign Harbor, and the excitement bubbles up as we near the bustling scene. The thumping bass of the music grows louder with each step, pounding in my chest and setting a lively tempo for the night. Bright lights are everywhere, casting a radiant glow across the harbor that's impossible to miss.

“Ugh,” I say, squinting my eyes. “I can’t believe nobody sees what’s wrong with this!”

“Well,” Lily gestures to her purse, “that’s what we’re here for.”

As we draw nearer, I see that Ben Hawthorne's yacht party is in full swing. Laughter, dancing, and chatter fill the air, creating an electric atmosphere. The dazzling lights reflect off the water's surface, turning it into a liquid mirror that dances to the rhythm of the music.

My heart races with anticipation, and I share an enthusiastic glance with Lily.

It’s time.

To sneak on board unnoticed, we take a cue from the crowd, blending in with the partying guests who are lost in the festivity.

Lily adjusts her mask casually, while I playfully tousle my hair and straighten my dress. We move confidently but inconspicuously, mimicking the carefree attitudes of the partygoers. Laughter and animated conversations mask our footsteps as we seamlessly merge with the crowd.

We find ourselves among the lively gathering, dancing and swaying to the music as if we've been part of the celebration all along. The warm sea breeze and the rhythm of the night envelop us, making it easy to lose ourselves in the moment.

“Okay,” Lily whispers to me. “Let’s split up. It’ll go faster that way.”

I nod. “Right. Let’s meet by the bar when we finish.”

When she turns away, I discreetly reach into my purse. My fingers trace the familiar contours of a small, turtle-shaped piece of paper. With a careful and concealed motion, I retrieve the note, ensuring the message the paper holds remains hidden from curious eyes.

In the dim, enchanting glow of the party lights, I unfold the paper, its gentle curves revealing vital information about the marina's light pollution and its detrimental impact on native turtle species. The words on the paper come alive as I read them to myself, each sentence bearing the weight of ecological concern.

“Artificial coastal lighting can disorient sea turtle hatchlings,” I whisper to myself, realizing the urgency of our cause. “Leading them away from the ocean and increasing their vulnerability to predation or exhaustion.” The words serve as a solemn reminder of the arduous journey these fragile creatures face, navigating a world marred by human interference.

I glance around at the partygoers, their faces illuminated by the bright lights, and the contrast between the festivities and the message in my hands couldn't be starker.

Clutching the paper, I remind myself of the importance of our mission to raise awareness of this critical issue.
