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As I secure the boat back at the dock, I notice a sense of joy filling my heart. She's really changed something in me, and I have no desire to resist. I never believed I could find someone so special in my life…and yet here she is, holding my hand and showing me the world I never wanted to venture into. For the first time, I'm enjoying the company of a woman I love more than engrossing myself in books. For the first time in my life, I want to be a better person because I like to make her happy when she's with me.

…And I don't mind that at all.

Chapter thirty-one


Colorful neon hues put a smile on me as I work diligently on the party decorations. The anticipation for tonight's glow-in-the-dark gathering has been building for days, and now, in the quiet solitude of my living room, I have the perfect opportunity to put my creative ideas into action.

As I dip my brush into the fluorescent paint, I reflect on the moments we've shared, and the memories that await us tonight. It's not just about the decorations; it's about creating an experience that will leave everyone with lasting, cherished memories.

And without hurting the turtles.

With each stroke of the paintbrush, I'm infusing a piece of myself into this project, and I can't wait to see Ben’s yacht come alive as we celebrate into the night.

As I add the final touches to a fluorescent star-shaped decoration, Lily strolls into the room, her curiosity piqued by the colorful array of decorations.

“Em, what's all this for?”

I look up, grinning, excited to share the news with my friend.

“Ben's throwing a glow-in-the-dark party tonight! We're going to celebrate without contributing to light pollution. It's going to be amazing!”

Lily's eyes light up with enthusiasm.

“No way!” she cries, jumping up and down. “That’s…a dream come true! You did it!”

I smile. “Right,wedid,” I say. “What are you doing tonight? Do you want to come?”

Lily sighs, clearly torn.

“I wish I could,” she says, “but I've got a college paper due soon, and I need to focus on that.”

“Aw,” I say, my face falling.

“Hey,” Lily says. “It’s okay, really. Have a great time for me too!”

I nod understandingly.

“Anyway, need a hand?” Lily plops herself down next to me and picks up a paintbrush.

“That would be a lifesaver,” I admit.

Lily and I sit amidst the glow-in-the-dark party preparations. I glance up from a stack of glowing stars, and her perceptive eyes meet mine.

“So, Emily, how have things been going with Alex lately?” she asks.

I sigh.

Everything does seem to be going well with Alex, and I can't deny the happiness that his presence brings into my life. But there's always a gnawing fear of what will happen when he inevitably learns about the pregnancy.

Will it change everything between us?

I'm so bummed about not being able to discuss the situation with my best friend…but I can’t tell Lily about this. Not yet. I’m just not ready to tell anyone…

So, I put on a fake smile. “You won't believe what happened, Lily! We went on a romantic boat ride yesterday, and it was pretty…cool. The glow-in-the-dark party idea I suggested really brought us closer together. Uhm, yeah. It's like we're on the same page, and I'm starting to think this could be something special.”

Lily smiles, but there is a hint of skepticism in her eye. “That sounds wonderful, Emily. I'm so happy to hear that things are going great between you two.”
