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Dom fixes his glare back on me. “You could’ve killed me!”

“Nonsense,Dom.I’m a better shot than you.If I wanted to kill you, I would have.I grazed your shoulder on purpose.Besides,you’re wearing a vest.”I pat his back with a smug grin before walking away.

Donna follows suit,and we saunter off laughing.

Before we head toward the villa, Donna yells,“I think I’m craving cannoli”—she turns to our brother—“made from scratch.”

“You didn’t win!” he calls back to Donna.

* * *

“Medium cold brew with oat milk and honey!” the barista calls out, breaking me from my trip down memory lane.

Smiling to myself, I walk up to the counter to grab my much-needed iced coffee and take a sip before sitting. Its coolness rushes down my throat, and my body comes alive. As I move through the cafe, I spot an open table outside. It’s a cool April morning in New York City, just nice enough to sit outside. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to be outside like this in the mornings, so I take full advantage of the empty table.

I’m scrolling through my phone, catching up on emails and texts, when I hear a male voice call out for me. I redirect my attention up, and green eyes stare back at me.

“Oh, hey, Jeremy. What’s up?”

Maya’s right. He’s attractive. Dimpled smile, dirty blond hair, big green eyes. He looks exactly like an old-money New York City bachelor should. A little too polo and preppy for my taste but handsome nonetheless.

“Just seeing how your paper for Milovich is going?”

“Ugh, it’s a nightmare. What do you think?” I laugh, covering my eyes with my hand.

Jeremy laughs. “Same. Shit’s giving me hell.”

“It’s just busy work. What was yours on again?”

“Immigration,” he answers lightly. “Yours is on RICO, right?”


Of course, I chose the topic ironically.

“That’s cool.” He pauses and rubs the back of his neck. “So, I was thinking maybe we could get together sometime and work on our papers together? I know they’re different, but maybe we can bounce some ideas off of each—”

“Excuse me,” says a deep voice from behind me.

I turn to the darkest, deepest eyes I’ve ever seen, accompanied by thick black lashes. His jawline and high cheekbones could cut a diamond. The man has gorgeous olive skin with short, dark facial hair contouring his sculpted face. He’s in a long-sleeved shirt, but I can see tattoos peeking up from his collar, and he has some on his hands, too. I wonder if he’s a model; we have no shortage of those in the city.

“You dropped this,” he says, handing me my wireless earbuds, standing to his full height.

That’s weird. I could’ve sworn they were zipped up in my bag.

“Thank you,” I reply breathlessly, reaching for them.

We stare at each other, then a cough breaks me from the trance. I look back over at Jeremy. I forgot I’d been talking to him.

“It’s no problem at all,” the handsome stranger replies as I look back at him. “Have a nice day.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

Hello,Mr.Tall and Mysterious.My mind screamed danger, but my body had other thoughts.

“I’m sorry. What were you saying, Jeremy?”

“Oh, just that we should get together and work on our papers together.”

“That sounds great. I have to go, or I’m going to be late.” I stand to gather my things. “But I’ll see you in class this afternoon?”
