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The space is open and immaculate. I opted for glass and steel to give the place a clean tech look. Charcoal leather chairs and soft-toned walls bring a modern look to the room. Over on the far right holds a wall of monitors the security team uses when they’re not in their office. My personal guard, Tao, is working at his desk, snacking on chips.

A large glass conference table sits in the center. Over the left are desks lined with monitors to connect to laptops. My desk faces inward on the farthest wall. We also have hidden compartments stocked with weapons for emergencies.

A door that I can enter from my office leads to spiral stairs. And the team has their own entrance. We all have our own offices but prefer to congregate here. I can’t deny I love it. It makes me feel like I finally have a cohesive organization. We all work in harmony down here.

My executive assistant, Liling Zhao, spruced the space up with plants, art and decor, adding special touches so itdoesn’t feel so clinical.She moved from Chicago to complete her undergraduate studies at NYU and stayed to work as my assistant with a push from her father, one of my captains.

As if my mind conjured her, the door chimes as Liling and my godfather, Bo, enter.

Growing up, I knew Bo Xiao as Ming, the owner and chef at a restaurant my adoptive parents and I frequented. Little did I know, he made a deal with them to ensure he’d see me in person weekly to keep an eye on me. He didn’t own the joint but paid the real owners to let him pop in to play the role. He saved my ass the day I killed Andrew and revealed his identity to me. Much like most of my team now, he gave up his life in Chicago and moved to New York for me.

Being my father’s vanguard—or right-hand man—and the Triad’s best assassin during his time, Bo’s been instrumental in my transition. Teaching me the history and the ways of this Triad, helping me appoint the new CEOs for the businesses, and providing me with background information on all the families.

It only made sense to appoint him as themaster. Traditionally, the dragon head has two second-in-commands: master and vanguard. The master’s responsibility is to manage our soldiers, and I couldn’t think of a better person than my godfather. He grew up with my father alongside the families in Chicago. He has their respect, and he’s been my mentor.

The vanguard enforces Triad law and will act as my true second, the one who will take my place should anything happen to me and if I fail to provide an heir. While Bo is doing most of the heavy lifting, the spot is still technically left vacant until I can find someone I trust enough with the role.

They both stand in front of my desk and stop to bow. A custom I’ll never get used to.

“Ma’am, everything is all set for tomorrow.” Liling smiles warmly.

“Thank you, Lili. Please sit.”

As she moves, Bo speaks up.

“I was just checking to see if you need anything before I head out.”

I chuckle. “Bo, if I put any more on your plate, it’ll snap. Go.” I shoo him away.

“I’ll meet you at Ethan’s tomorrow for the meeting with the captains, xiao lóng,”little dragon, Bo says before turning to leave.

Similar to the responsibilities an underboss would have for the Italians, captains oversee the trade and finances in their territory. Their support is of the utmost importance, since they deal with the numbers first hand and will likely report to the men under them, so their endorsements can make or break me.

“The next two days’ itineraries,” Liling announces as she hands over the paper. “These are also on your calendar. So, if you lose them, just check your phone.”

I take the other files from Liling. We spend the next few hours discussing the plans for the next two days.

Liling has truly been my saving grace. She’s young but hardworking, intelligent, and has great instincts. Plus, she can basically read my mind. While she seems shy at first, she’s sassy and outspoken once you get to know her. I also appreciate her history lessons and point of view from growing up in the Triad as a woman.

As we’re wrapping up, Kai, one of my most valuable men, strolls in with a cheesy smile.

Tao stands up to greet his friend.

Kai Jin and Tao Li are enforcers for the Triad. The two and Liling grew up together, and Bo reassured me they came from trusted families. That was reinforced as I’ve had more time to work with them. Seeing the way they interact with one another exposes more than word of mouth could ever tell me about whothey are at their core. Nico, my nosy man, also dug into all their records and didn’t find anything alarming.

They couldn’t look more different. Kai has fair skin and a pretty-boy facade, tall and fit. Tao is shorter but has about thirty pounds of muscle on him compared to Kai and tan skin that made him look like he’d just stepped off the beach. What is it with men having perfect skin and hair without even trying? Tao is not only a skilled fighter but practically a tank, which is why I made him my personal guard.

Kai greets me with a bow as Lili stands, and he pulls her into a quick side hug.

“I’m out, too, if you don’t need anything else. Tao and I will pick you up in the morning,” Liling says as she heads to leave.

“See ya, Lili,” I call out.

“Take a look at these, boss,” Kai says as he places a folder on the desk, capturing my attention.

Instead of sitting in front of me, he circles the desk to stand behind me, knowing how much it annoys me. Bash, my brother-in-law and the capo of the Cosa Nostra, would say I need to be harder on these men, but I appreciate that they are here out of loyalty and not fear. I want to nurture that relationship.

That’s what my papa has shown me. And Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese philosopher and military strategist, once said,Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.
