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“Oh, I’m only joking!” She waves it off like it’s no big deal. “But, yes, I am. Insane, that is—don’t you forget that. Is he flying in later or what?”

“I don’t think so.” I scrunch my nose, seriously regretting not asking to come.

He always accompanies me when I travel, and this would be our first night apart since getting married back in June.

Our days are already robbed from us between work. Nights are our only guarantee. Not that we have much of those lately, either. One of us is always coming home late, while one leaves before the other wakes. I’m here for only two days, so it really shouldn’t be a big deal, but I don’t like sleeping apart from him.

“Donna, help me out. You of all people know what’s asked of people like us.” I look to my sister to back me up.

“Thatistrue,” she agrees, popping a bite of her food into her mouth.

While my sister kept the family business at arm’s length, she was brought into the fold not long after Nico and I married. Shequickly realized she had no interest in working in the corporate world or having a boss. So, being the economic genius she is, she’s the unofficial broker for the Outfit. She’s made Papa, Dom, and their men a lot of money in a short amount of time.

“I don’t understand,” Maya says, eyebrows pinching. “Isn’t Nico supposed to be the logical one as the consigliere? Why does he keep pressing this if he knows you’re both taking on too much?”

“Maya, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but logic flies right out of the window when it comes to Anya. Besides, there’s a stark contrast between normal level-headed people and the mafia,” Donna says as she chuckles.

“I don’t think he knows how to mediate between me and his family. I’m not actually certain he’s ever told Marcella, no. Or if any of the Delucci men have.”

Marcella is a hard woman to shoot down. The perfect match for the former capo of the Cosa Nostra.

“Well, now there’s your problem. It’s not you andhisfamily. Youarefamily now, and he needs to see it that way, too,” Maya says.

“Maya’s right, sis.” Donna nods in agreement. “Nico needs to learn thatyouare his family, and they all need to respect your wishes. Don’t go easy on him either.”

“There’s got to be an end to this. We cannot keep this up. Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion,” I tell them as I stare at my food.

“No, do not do that.” Donna wags her finger. “You’re still trying to figure out how to live together. All couples experience this. Nico, is just as spoiled—if not more than you—and he needs to learn when to give, too. There has to be a balance, and you guys just need to find it. You haven’t been married that long. There’s bound to be some roadblocks.”

“When did you get so insightful?” I grin.

“I have my moments.” She flips her hair with a wink that would have any man falling to his knees.

“Maybe we got married too fast—”

“You don’t mean that,” Maya says.

“Of course I don’t. But the whole thing was so rushed we never discussed what our needs and expectations of each other are. Now I feel... petulant.”

I was an idiot in love who thought that would be enough. All I knew was that I loved him, and I was going to do everything to make it work, but it won’t unless we both put in the effort.

“You’re not being petulant,” Donna reassures. “It’s not like you wanted a pair of boots, and he said no so now, you’re stomping your feet. Interviews are not only draining, but you’re treated like an object. Papa hates them, too.”

“That’s exactly it. It’s not that I hate doing press—well, I do—but it’s the dumb questions. I went to Columbia Law. I’m starting a cancer research foundation in my mother’s name. I have yet to discuss any of it. All they care about is who’s making my dress, my wedding diet, what floral arrangements I have, and who’s on the guest list.”

Is this what my life has been diluted to?

Maya clicks her tongue. “You have tomakehim listen. Look, sure. Not many people get married after a few weeks after trying to kidnap their partner and torture them or”—I level her with aget to the pointlook—“but I can see how crazy he is about you and how perfectly matched the two of you are. He’s it for you, Anya, and you’re it for him. I’ve seen both your charts. He’s going to come around because he has no choice.”

I couldn’t hold in my laughter. Maya has been mine and Nico’s biggest cheerleader, which says a lot, since she’s not much of a romantic.

“You can say that again. Plus, I put in way too much work into this wedding for you to turn into a little runaway bride,” Donna pipes up. “But if you did—”


“I’m just putting it out there! I’d help you disappear despite how much labor I put into this.”

“You have the girlsanda wedding planner,” I point out, laughing.
