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“Babe,” I turn to see Nico standing in the doorway, shakingmyself out of the memory, “you ’bout ready?”

Turning back to my reflection in the vanity mirror, the visible circles under my eyes from doing damage control and planning funerals, I answer, “No.”

“Have you heard from Lil?” he asks, walking up behind me.

I shake my head.

I gave her the next few weeks off to be with her family, same with Tao. This will be my first time seeing her and her family since Caishen killed Ethan.

Nico leans forward to press a kiss on top of my head.

“I’ll be with you the whole time.”

“Ma’am.” Jimmy, who is covering for Tao, appears at the doorway. He bows before speaking again. “I’m sorry, but we really need to get going.”

“Of course,” I reply as I move to stand, grabbing my clutch off my bed.

The warmth of Nico’s palm on my lower back is the only thing keeping me grounded.

* * *

The service is beautiful. Along with Liling’s eulogy. Her family taking up the first two rows on the left side, me with Nico, and our men on the right. Families flew in from all over, not a single empty seat, people lined up on the sides and toward the back.

I’m not surprised. Ethan was a well-respected man. Echoing Lili’s words, he was a father, husband, brother, and son. We’re all going to feel his loss, but none more than his family.

As we head outside for the burial, I struggle to keep my temper and patience in check. I can’t go more than three steps without someone approaching me, obviously trying to do business. I make a mental note to give these men a lesson in class and tact.

With Ethan and Isaac needing replacing and the fact that I trust Isaac’s son about as far as I can throw him, the men swarm like vultures.

I make it three more steps before another man approaches. I close my eyes to let out a breath of frustration. Jimmy moves to stop him, but I shake my head, not wanting to cause tension.

“Christopher Wu, ma’am.” He reaches out for me to shake his hand. “I know this is a difficult time, but if we could schedule something, I could come to New York—”

Nico snorts, clearly as peeved as I am.

“Listen, Christopher, is it? I’m gonna call you Chris. We’re at a funeral. I hardly think this is the time. Call my wife’s office next week, and I’m sure they can set something up.”

Before Chris can respond, Nico pulls me to his side and makes haste to get a spot.

“What was that, Nico?” I cover my mouth with a cough to hide my chuckle.

“Damn assholes,” he says, scanning the area. “The only good thing you got out of that was knowing who not to promote.”

“All right, big guy, let’s go.” I pat his chest.

I spot Lil as we walk over, and she locks eyes with mine. My shoulders tense. She hooks her arm into her mother’s, and they make their way over. Grayson’s hot on her tail, and I’m now more curious than I am nervous.

Before I can process, she forgoes any bowing and wraps her arms around my neck. I freeze for only a second out of shock, but recovering quickly, I tighten my hold on her. My shoulders relax for the first time today.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispers before pulling back.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Lil.” I look over at her mother, who bows, and I return the gesture. “This is a beautiful service, Mrs. Zhao. I just wanted to let you know in case I don’t see you later.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” She smiles kindly, taking both of my hands in hers. She exchanges pleasantries with Nico and Jimmy before excusing herself, leaving me with Lili. There’s an awkward pause between us.

“I hope—”
