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“Never?” Forrest echoes.

“I know,” she groans. “I’m pathetic.”

“No,” I counter, setting my drink down to take her hand. “You just need someone to show you around. Maybe this cabin thing isn’t such a bad thing after all.”

“Speak for yourself,” Bennet grouches, but I ignore him.

“Look! You’re already in another state.” I point out the window of the jet, not actually sure if we are already outside of California, but it sounds good.

Over the next hour, I watch Stella’s beautiful face light up as the ponderosa pines overtake the landscape below until thecaptain’s voice comes over the speaker, instructing us to sit down and buckle up.

Like a little kid, Stella squirms, unable to sit still, her neck straining as the plane touches down seamlessly, and we’re able to disembark, meeting Jessie, Roy, and the cameramen on the ground.

A luxury SUV waits on the tarmac of the private airfield, ready to drive us up the mountainside, but all our moods have lightened considerably by now, our bags loaded into the back as we pile into the vehicle. Only one cameraman climbs in with us, but no one pays him any mind, all our eyes still on Stella, her exhilaration palpable and infectious.

Another car takes the rest of the crew, and I find myself wondering about their sleeping arrangements, but I suppose I’ll soon find out, the line ascending the mountain roads through the coniferous forests.

We soon find ourselves in the remote backwoods, surrounded by Douglas firs and willows, stretched into a tantalizing thick that permeates the car.

Stella leans across Forrest, and he eyes her as she peers out the window, apparently awed by the sight of nature so close to the city. She glances at me, but she doesn’t comment as the car slows, and she again stares out the window. “Holy crap!”

My own head swivels toward where she’s looking, along with the other two men, the camera panning out to follow.

The cabin where we’re staying sprawls in front of us, dipping down a small hill and spanning two stories. The top floor boasts a full balcony, a cute, German-style awning hanging over the dark-shingled rooftop where a rooster weathervane perches at the peak.

“That’s not exactly what I had in mind when they said ‘cabin,’” Stella breathes, her eyes wide as she takes in the grandeur.

“Jessie did say something about a pool and sauna,” Forrest reminds her, appearing unimpressed.

“Still,” Stella says, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, “I envisioned more of a trailer park, not a mansion.”

Forrest snorts. “Like they’d put us somewhere shitty. They know we’d all leave—contract or not.”

I watch Stella’s reaction, the modest surprise in her eyes, the way she speaks of trailer parks—not with disdain, but familiarity. It strikes me then that perhaps Stella’s roots are humbler than the rest of us.

We pile out of the car together, and I immediately see the trailer at the bottom of the hill, answering all my questions about where our makeup and wardrobe will be catered.

“Can we go inside?” Stella asks nervously, looking around for direction.

“Damn straight, we can,” I reply, sauntering toward the front door without waiting for anyone to direct us.

Before I can reach the threshold, the door swings inward, and I stifle a groan to see the host of the show. The mere sight of his arrogant, bearded face makes me cringe internally. Something about Jasper Royce makes me want to punch him in the face.

“You finally made it,” Jasper growls. “I’ve been waiting here for two hours to shoot this scene!”

“Sorry,” Stella apologizes, darting her eyes in my direction, but she doesn’t throw me under the bus, which I appreciate. “We were running a bit behind this morning.”

“Well, can we hurry this up?” the host snaps. “I have other commitments today, and you have a challenge this afternoon. It’s bad enough that I had to come all the way up to buttfuck nowhere.”

Stella freezes, but I wander through, not really hearing what he said.

“What challenge?” she squeaks as I take in the main floor, nodding in approval.

The state-of-the-art kitchen is fully stocked with top-of-the-line appliances. There’s a stocked bar in the massive living room with a large stone fireplace. Another wall is pure glass, overlooking the woods beyond. The living room hosts an L-shaped couch, curled toward the hearth, centered around the railing of the second floor where the doors to the bedroom are all visible from the main room. Anyone standing up top can easily look down to see what’s happening on the main floor.

Bennet and Forrest have taken to the second floor, presumably to claim their own bedrooms, but I suspect that each room has its own ensuite, anyway.

Stella remains at the threshold, still speaking with the host.
