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A knock on the bedroom door shakes me from wallowing in my pillow. “Come in.”

Gabe enters, concern etched on his gorgeous face.

“Are you okay?” he asks, closing the door behind him as he ambles forward to join me on the king-sized bed. I move over, hugging the throw pillows tighter against me as he nears.

“I’m not sure,” I confess. “I think I’m on thin ice.”

“You’re not,” he promises, sitting without an invitation, but I don’t mind.

A strong hand rests on my leg. I start to respond, but another knock on the door stops me, my brow furrowing.


The door parts, and Bennet peeks through the threshold, appearing surprised to see Gabe already inside.

“Oh. I was just coming to check on you.” He moves to close the door and leave.

“Then come check on her, man,” Gabe says. “There’s enough air in here for everyone.”

“Come in, Benn,” I agree, waving him through.

Bennet hesitates in the doorway, glancing around the room before finally deciding to secure the door in his wake. He doesn’t sit on the bed with me and Gabe.

“Are you okay?” he asks, just as Gabe had moments earlier.

“I’m fine,” I grunt humorlessly. “I’m glad I didn’t get fired.”

“We wouldn’t let that happen,” Bennet announces protectively, and I’m consumed with a burst of warmth as I lock in his intense, green eyes.

“Damn straight,” Gabe agrees. “If you go, we go, and then they’ll really have to start from scratch. No one wants the paperwork.” He glances at Bennet. “You can sit down, man. No one’s going to bite you.”

I pat the other side of me invitingly, and Bennet ambles closer, sinking onto the mattress on my right. I see him take in Gabe’s hand on my leg, but neither of us makes any move to adjust as a spark of excitement rushes through me. I’ve never had two men in my bed at the same time before.

“Don’t stress,” Gabe says again, leaning forward to brush a stray strand of hair away from my face. “You heard what Forrest said: they’re all talk, no action.”

I bite on my lower lip and nod, comforted by his words and his touch, my gaze shooting toward Bennet, who has said very little, as usual.

Bennet shoots me a heated, lingering look, his gaze smoldering with an intensity that conveys his desire and a hint of longing, adding an unexpected layer of tension to the air. My heart skips, the anticipation building around us.

Gabe pulls my face back toward him, and my heart thrums madly, the tone of the room changing drastically now. Heat rushes through me at the prospect of what could happen, eventhough I have no idea what to expect. I draw my head back, trying to prepare myself, but Gabe brings his mouth down to mine, anticipating my reluctance and stealing my breath entirely.

I gasp into his open lips. His head draws back, and he grins at me, shooting a look at Bennet over my shoulder.

“She always tastes so good, don’t you think?” he asks Bennet, but as I try to turn my chin again to gauge Bennet’s reaction to what’s happening, Gabe holds me in place. I get my answer soon enough, though, Bennet’s hands slipping tentatively around my shoulders.

Is this really going to happen?

It feels dreamlike, strange, the two sets of hands on me now, Gabe’s slipping lower to explore my breasts as his lips again find mine, his kiss growing more heated. My eyes fall closed, and my pulse races faster.

I half-expect something inside me to call out in warning, to put an end to this, but nothing arises from me but more waves of heat, especially as Bennet’s hands work the buttons of my shirt off, dropping the fabric away to expose the skin of my neck and chest.

A small moan falls out of my mouth, but Gabe captures it again, his tongue taunting mine, the four sets of fingers prying the buttons of my jeans from my legs. Slowly, the denim peels down my legs, the pants flying off into a corner and out of sight.

“You are such a fucking beauty,” Bennet rasps, his breathing quickening in my ear, the pitch of his words exciting me.

With my breasts exposed, Gabe pushes me down gently, two heads licking, sucking, and tasting my breasts as my hands reach to caress their full heads of hair.

Each mouth has a distinct nature of its own. Gabe is more fevered, rougher, determined, while Bennet is softer, slower.Each of them sends wild waves of desire through me, gushes of heat already preparing me for what I want to happen next.
