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I look at Bennet, expecting a flash of indignation. Instead, I see him nod. “Yeah, he seemed a little off tonight,” Bennet agrees. “I hope he’s all right. Let me know if he needs anything.”He retreats to his room, his blessing given, and I inhale, again searching for Forrest.

“All right,” I groan. “I’m going out there. Wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck, Heartbreaker. You’re already good.”



Ipoke the dead fire pit with a stick, ashes flying into the black of night with my gesture. I’m so lost in my own thoughts, I don’t hear Stella until she’s right on top of me.


I start at her closeness, the subtle waft of her fruity scent touching my nostrils.

How can she possibly still smell good after that game?I wonder, shaking my head. I’m rank and desperately need a shower, but I also want some time to myself before that happens.

“What are you doing out here?” My tone is gruffer than I intend, and I watch her shrivel internally. I’m immediately contrite. “I just need a few minutes.”

“Did something happen at the game?” she asks bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest, her hands rubbing her arms. She can’t be cold, so I chalk her body language up to nervousness. I step closer, suddenly wanting to embrace her, but my hands remain at my sides, unsure if I should touch her or not.

“No,” I lie. Then I reconsider. “Yes.”

Her dark brows rise as she steps closer, tipping her head back to look at me. “Tell me.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” I tell her. “It’s fine. I’ll be fine.”

“I know you will,” she agrees, flashing me a beautiful smile. “You’re Forrest Marlowe.”

I laugh hollowly. “Right.”

Stella purses her lips together, the uncertainty in her eyes almost palpable. She doesn’t know how to handle me, and I hate myself for making her feel like I’ve felt so many times before.

I soften my voice and face her, the moonbeams catching in her dark tresses and making me semi-hard. I can see why Bennet and Gabriel are so infatuated with her. She is bewitching. I’d have to be blind not to notice the way the other two have been looking at her, and I can’t say I blame them in the least.

“Why are you talking like this tonight, Forrest?” she presses gently, edging closer to me as if she expects me to turn and flee—or worse. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

“You say that like you’ve known me for years,” I shoot back angrily. “You only just met me.”

She’s nonplussed by my response. “And yet I feel like Idoknow you already,” Stella insists, raising a hand to touch my face.

A five o’clock shadow has grown in now, the hairs itching me, and I’m uncomfortable in my own skin. Gnawing on the insides of my cheeks, I make a decision.

“I’m going for a swim,” I announce, heading around the back of the house before I can change my mind. She stares after me sadly. But I pause, taking off my shirt, before I can disappear entirely. “You coming?”

Hope ignites in her eyes as she skips after me, the two of us racing toward the kidney-shaped pool in the back of the house, to the side of the living room.

I dive in as she joins me, tentatively approaching, but she doesn’t slip inside. Instead. Stella sits on the side, dangling herlong legs in the deep end, dipping her toes up and down as she watches me.

The coolness is refreshing and snaps me out of my mood, at least for the moment. It’s what I needed. Or maybe Stella is what I needed.

“Feel better?” she asks.

I run my hand through my hair and swim toward her. “I swim better than I play ball.”

Her brows knit. “Is that what you’re upset about?” she asks dubiously. “The way the game went?” I don’t reply. “Did you see me out there?” she presses. “I was a clumsy mess! And it’s all on video!”

“You’re not me,” I remind her. A flash of annoyance crosses over her face, and I wish I could take it back. “I mean that I literally have all eyes on me all the time. I’m expected to be perfect all the time, Stella. I’m Forrest Marlowe, just like you said.”
