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My next words are for the audience. “Where’s the fun in that?” I demand, eying the cameraman.

Anya insisted on us creating more conflict now that the show is building momentum, for ratings’ sake. “Just because you have no sense of romance doesn’t mean you have to be a wet blanket for everyone else.”

Bennet’s eyes shadow and flash. He clearly doesn’t appreciate the nasty banter, but it’s part of the storyline, and we’re getting to the end of it… or at least closer to it. Within weeks, we can put this ridiculousness behind us.

“He’s right, Gabe,” Stella insists, taking my hands away from her eyes. “Is all of this necessary? Let me see where we’re going. I don’t like this.”

Bennet smirks at me, and Forrest sighs as if we’re causing some great disservice to his life by making him come along.

“No one asked you two to join us,” I remind them with snark. “You could have stayed at the cabin.”

“Iasked them to come,” Stella corrects me, and I raise an eyebrow.

“Then they should stop complaining,” I grumble as the Hummer slows down, our destination approaching.

Stella peers out of the window, her body language shifting in confusion as she recognizes Rosewater. “What are we doing in town?” she questions warily.

“You’ll see,” I announce happily. “It’s a surprise!”

I catch her looking at the others and hide my expression the best I can. Of course Bennet and Forrest know what this is. It had been a team effort, but for the sake of the show, we’re pretending it’s my surprise.

A tiny, half empty parking lot appears to the right, and the SUV comes to a complete stop.

“Oh, yes. This reeks of romance,” Forrest chimes with a sharp, cutting tone.

“Shut up,” I retort. “Let’s go.” I open the door, and we file out, Bennet and Forrest following behind as the cameraman follows.

“Gabe…” The wariness is tangible in Stella’s voice.

Only the cameramen and Stella have no idea what really awaits just beyond the chain-link fence.

“Just trust me, Heartbreaker,” I tell her, squeezing her hand gently. “Do you trust me?”

She pauses mid-step and looks at me, blinking in the brilliant Montana sunshine.

“Over here, babe.” I pull on her hand for her to follow me.

I catch her looking at Bennet, who swallows a smile.

“What is going on, Benn?” she asks him.

“No idea,” he fibs, and I smirk, weaving through the throng of vehicles to stop in front of a new silver Mercedes convertible.

Confused, Stella also stops, along with everyone else. “What are we doing here?” she asks again, a pinch of impatience creeping into her tone. “We have to get back and get ready for the function tonight.”

I step back and make a dramatic gesture with my hands, like a game show host presenting a prize.

“This is yours,” I announce, producing a set of keys and throwing them to her. “I bought you a present.”

Dumbfounded, Stella catches the keys but doesn’t move. “What?”

“I saw the rust bucket you were driving around in, and I decided that you can’t be seen in something like that. So, I bought you a new car.”

Shock paints her face. For a long moment, she says nothing.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” I chortle.

“N-no,” she stutters. “I-I can’t accept this.”
