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Forrest offers me a tentative smile. “Your mom sounds like she really loves you. And I think she would want you to be happy. Focus on that, being happy.”

Blankly, I look at him, but before I can argue his point, he breaks into his charming smile and tightens his hold on my hands. “Don’t misunderstand me,” he continues. “It’s very noble that you’re trying to take care of your mother, although why it should fall only on you, I don’t understand.”

“My father died,” I answer bluntly. “And if I don’t do it, who will?”

“Isn’t she a grown woman, too?” Forrest counters.

I start to get defensive, but as I stare into his eyes, I recognize that he’s not challenging me… and he’s right.

“After my dad died, money was really tight. My mom worked as much as she could to make ends meet. She doesn’t ask me for money—ever. But I feel responsible for her, because she sacrificed so much for me.” This is the most honest I have ever been with anyone as to why I take any acting job I can get. I’ve never even said this to Chris, and I tell my best friend almost everything.

“There’s no shame in going after your dreams… for you. That’s all I’m saying,” Forrest concludes, releasing my hands. “If you live your life only to please someone else, you’ll never be happy.” He returns to his task of chopping vegetables, but I can only watch him for a long moment, digesting what he’s said. Masterfully, he switches subjects. “So what is next? Movies? Sitcoms? Another reality show?”

I grimace at the suggestion.

“I hope my agent is still out there putting out feelers,” I say slowly, even though I haven’t spoken to Veronica once since moving into the cabin. “Just because we’re semi-isolated out here, doesn’t mean she should stop looking.”

“Who’s your agent?”

“Veronica Steinback.”

Forrest doesn’t look up. “Never heard of her.”

That’s hardly shocking. Why would he have heard of some nobody agent for a nobody actor?

“I can have my agent look for you, too,” Forrest suggests, and I’m both shocked and flattered by his suggestion.

“Oh… I don’t know if Rueben Mathers will touch a no-name like me.”

“You’ll have a name by the time we wrap up here… and you’ll have my backing,” Forrest replies smoothly. He’s nonplused by the suggestion, as if it’s the most natural idea in the world.

I’m speechless for a moment, unsure of how to respond. “You would do that for me?”

“Of course.”

Of course? He says that like I should understand why.

“Why?” I blurt out against my better judgment.

Forrest lifts his chin and looks at me. “Because I think you have great potential on the big screen,” he begins. “And because I happen to care about you.”

My heart flutters, more confusion blanketing me. I want to tell him that he barely knows me, that he’s been sharing me with his housemates, that I’m not really worthy of his endorsement, but I wisely keep my mouth shut.

“But I guess we should try to make it through the next two weeks alive, right?” he jokes, returning to his cucumber.

“Right,” I breathe, licking my lips nervously.

First Gabe, now Forrest. I shouldn’t be stringing these guys along. But don’t they already know about one another?

I decide to heed Forrest’s advice. Just get through the next two weeks, and then we can talk about the future. If I can hold out that long.

After dinner, Gabe builds a fire, and Forrest goes for a swim, leaving Bennet and me alone in the house. He helps me clean up the dinner dishes.

“I can do this,” I tell him. “Go hang out with the boys.”

“I’d rather hang out with you,” he answers honestly. His response makes my cheeks burn, but he says it so sincerely, so easily, I can’t help but believe him.

“You and Gabe were hitting it off earlier,” I comment.
