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Uncertainly, I sit cross-legged across from him. “Okay,” I say. “I’m listening.” I try to hide my disappointment that it's only business.

He deflates, the tension loosening from his muscles as he pours a glass of wine for me. “Thank you. My proposal is a bit unorthodox, but if you’ll hear me out, I think you’ll see how we both stand to benefit.”

“What is it?” I ask, taking the proffered cup and tasting it. Admittedly, most of the wine I drink comes from a box, but even I can tell that this is high-quality stuff.

“We get married.”

I choke, the wine tickling my throat as I cough and gag. He beats my back until my lungs are clear and I can take a full breath of air.

“I’m sorry, what?” I gasp between newly caught breaths. “Is this how they do it in the underworld?”

He looks taken aback but hurries to continue. “It doesn’t have to be romantic unless you want it to,” he says quickly, as though expecting I’ll run as soon as I catch my breath. And honestly, I might.

But then his smooth baritone hits my ears, sending a tantalizing chill down the side of my neck. I close my eyes and let the sensation consume me. Just briefly. It’s worth my undivided attention and the blush burning my already sun-kissed cheeks. Of course, I have to say no. Right?

“It’s more a marriage of convenience than anything else. If you marry me, you can adopt Lucy and you’ll both be taken care of for the rest of your lives.”

“And what do you get in return?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. The first thing they teach you about demons is that there’s always a catch with any deal they make. There are rules to prevent a lot of mishaps these days, but I’m not sure how many apply to fake marriages.

“Being a married man makes me look stable and reliable. It will open doors for me that a single man would not have,” he replies.

I squint suspiciously at him. He’s tense, holding something back, but I can’t tell what. “Is that it? You don’t expect anything else in return?”

He shakes his head. “Absolutely nothing.”

“Why me?” I ask. It’s the first thought I have, despite none of this making objective sense. Argos is unreasonably hot. He could have any woman of any species. What makes me so special?

“Because I like you and you can use the help. I can give you anything you and Lucy want and by extension, provide for the orphanage.”

I huff an incredulous laugh. He couldn’t possibly be serious, could he? But if he was…

Images of what would come next fill my mind. I’d finally be able to adopt Lucy and give her the home she deserves. We both would have a secure future, and the orphanage would be well taken care of.

And I like Argoss, too. He’s hot, funny, quick-thinking, and great with the kids. If he had just called me up and asked for coffee without this massive gesture, I would have giddily accepted a date. But isn’t a fake marriage too far, even with the unbelievable benefits?

A voice in my head screams to watch out. He’s still a demon, after all. And I can't help but feel he’s hiding something. Did I trust him too readily?

“I-I’m sorry,” I say, getting to my feet. “I can’t.” I run off before he can say another word.



Istare out my second-story bay window and into the Briarwood River. Normally lazy around this time of year, the fast-moving current and what it leaves me wondering comes as a shock. Am I losing my touch? My charm? My strength?

It’s been a whole two days since the orphanage proposal, and I’m beginning to think I’ll have to start from scratch. At first, I took my silent phone as an indication Lucy was merely biding her time before sharing her feelings about Felicity’s denial.

In other words, simply waiting for the right moment to do what we discussed. The conversation plays in my mind as I lean against the bay window.

“Please tell me you didn’t hear that, little one?”I’d made sure to keep my voice warm but a whisper.

As soon as I saw her descending from the treehouse platform, I knew she’d been close enough to our little picnic to hear. Not to mention curious enough to listen. The girl doesn’t much care for rules she doesn’t approve of, meaning she thinks for herself. A fine trait in any youngling, but especially for an unsuspecting partner in crime.

“Why did she say no? What’s her deal?”Lucy had demanded.

I expected the girl to ask questions and maybe cry. I didn’t anticipate feeling a certain way about it. Any way at all, but especially the way I felt then and now – bad.

It’s not lost on me how creatures Topside tend to treat their young, especially their unwanted young. Any other time, the spunky orphan would be the last Topside child I’d want to wound. Though desperate times mean sacrifices and concessions.
