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I let myself in to find her on her bed with a book in her lap. She shut it and placed it on her nightstand.

“Is everything okay?” I had asked as I sat in the chair by the window.

Her lips quivered, and even now, the image of it lingers. “Why don’t you want me?”

I blinked. “What? Of course I –”

“Then why did you turn down Mr. Argoss?”she’d shouted as tears streamed down her face.

I stiffen at the thought and let my shoulders roll out, letting the memory in my head play out. “How do you know about that?”

“I overheard Mr. Argoss say he wanted to marry you. That he wanted us to be a family, and you said no,” she’d sobbed. “So it’s either sit on this bed and pretend to read or ask a question I don’t want to know. Were you just pretending to want to adopt me?”

“Of course not!”

“Can you just do me a favor and let me grieve in peace? I just really thought… Can you just go, okay?”

Not sure what else to do and certain whatever she was going to say next would only break my heart, I left, deciding to give her some space. My heart is still aching for her now. From her perspective, I’ve been stringing her along for years, and it’s not fair.

“Let’s marry a demon.” I try the words out in the mirror and wonder if Argoss even wants to help me adopt the girl anymore. With a face like his, illusion or not, he could have found another willing participant. Or come to his senses.

If he is open to this whole crazy scheme, I’m at least ready to give him the answer he wants. I don’t think about unlimited money a lot, but I did last night. And the wedding I planned in my head led to more fantasies. Lucy attending college hit me the hardest since it was private and well-connected. Everything being adopted by Argoss could give her.

“Let’s give Argoss a call, huh?” I try this out, then give myself a quick thumbs up before heading down the hall. I knock on Lucy's bedroom door and enter.

I take a seat by the side of her bed and raise my arm, offering a hug. She buries her face in my side as I stroke her hair.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Lucy.” Even to me, the greeting feels forced.

Lucy runs her eyes up the floor to meet my own, then looks down at her book again. “You know where I sleep.”

“I’m sorry you heard all that the other day. When Mr. Argoss proposed, I was taken by surprise.” Not to mention a bit insulted by his blatant manipulation, though I’m not about to tell her that “But I didn’t turn him down because I don’t want you. I just wasn’t ready to say yes.”

She looks up, her lips pursed. “Are you ready now?”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. This is for Lucy, for the orphanage. I had hoped I could marry for love, but maybe I can learn to love him. “I am.”

Lucy squeals and hugs me. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but seeing the joy on Lucy’s face, I know it’s worth it.

Once she’s out playing with the rest of the orphans like nothing happened, I call the number on the business card Argoss gave me.

He picks up after two rings. “Felicity. How are you?”

“Yeah, Argoss, hi, I…”

“Am calling about my offer?”

I heave a sigh of relief, happy he’s cut to the chase so that I don’t have to.

“If it’s still on the table, yeah.”

“Meet me tomorrow at 10:00. I’ll give you my address. You’re not going to regret this, Felicity.”

The next day, I find myself on the doorstep of a sprawling modern mansion. A maid brings me inside, leading me through a maze of sculptures and paintings to Argoss’s office. He’s sitting behind an old oak desk and gestures for me to take a seat in the plush leather chair across from it.

The maid leaves without a word, and I’m alone with my… Well, fiance, I guess. I can’t decide if my face is a smile or a grimace as I sit down.

“So…” I begin. “What are the terms for the deal?”
