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I’ve had the displeasure of being stuck behind him more than once. Never in my existence have I come across a pair of eyes that don’t immediately flood with tears when I direct my rage their way. That is, until Steve, who chuckles in response to my snarls and scowls.

“Couldn’t hear all that, Argoss. Some lead foot’s trying to get me to speed up,” he explains. “Oh, now he’s flipping me the bird.”

“Maybe he’s lost and needs directions,” I reply.

I can practically hear the wheels turning in Steve’s head. “I don't know about that. It’s an awfully aggressive way to get someone’s attention.”

If the driver were me, I’d have expanded on the finger with a good old-fashioned tap to the bumper.

“Hey, if I want to slow down at a yellow light, there’s a DMV booklet that supports this decision!” Is he yelling this out the window?

“Just focus, Steve.” I get the sense he’s used the DMV booklet excuse in the past, probably in the face of multiple silent ‘fuck yous’ while stuck in traffic.

“You know what, Argoss? You’re right. I shouldn’t text and drive.” The near-impenetrable demon skin beneath my human illusion grows cold as I realize he’s taken my command as concern.

“Just tell me what you learned,” I say.

“No can do,” he replies, and my mouth hangs open in confusion. Is this what I get for making one of his bucket list dreams come true? “Not without risking lives. I’m heading over now and bringing that pumpkin tea I keep wanting you to try.”

He hangs up before I can reply. “Why didn’t you just ask for his son’s phone number?” I ask my own reflection, wishing I had a pet wolf or house-trained fox to vent to. Or anything to sic on Steve.

He’d charm it, fool.I scoff at my own thought.

Steve is a lot of things, but he’s no charmer. Now Felicity, she’s a charmer. Just her smile alone tempts me. Add in those almond-shaped eyes, raven black hair, and genuine desire to be helpful, and I'd willingly fall for anything. Though not mypersonal style, I’ve always benefited from such naiveté. So why not like it from afar? Especially when it’s done so well.

While she’s agreeable and all things charming. Steve’s approach is just sad. Maybe even too sad to be upset about, especially since he’s so helpful. That I can give to him. But helpful and charming are two very, very different things.

Oh, yeah? Then why are you setting up dishes?

I look down and see I’ve found my way to the kitchen. And sure enough, I’m clutching a glass mug in each hand. “God damn it, Steve!”

When he arrives, I tell myself I’m agreeing to try his tea because he won’t shut up if I don’t. And while this is true because Steve can ask the same question every day for a month straight and not once have the decency to change the subject, a small part of me appreciates the spicy and piping hot beverage.

“See, what’d I tell you? Perfection.” He’s added a touch of honey and a splash of heavy whipping cream to his. I let him do the same to my own cup because he offered.

“This is more than serviceable, Steve,” I tell him, meaning every word.

A damn fine tea. My eyes narrow on the mortal, who is absently gazing into his drink while humming a little tune. What is his secret? What makes him so impervious to my glare? I sip my drink and mull over the question.

After he’s slurped his drink about four or five times, the silence in the kitchen grows to the point of discomfort. Apparently, Steve is just fine sitting in my presence, ignoring the layers of shade I’m throwing.

“Ahhhh,” he lets out slowly. “Nothing like a quiet moment before a big chat, right?

I let out a long groan as he sips his drink.

“You doing okay? Something in your throat?”

“Never better,” I lie, leaning back and keeping quiet.

This must be some kind of battle tactic, some new and improved method of channeling human willpower. I’m flustered and exhausted by Steve’s lack of attention. It’s like I’m not influencing him at all.

“Feel free to start anytime, Steve.”

“This kiddo says this.” Steve grabs an oatmeal cookie from a wrapped napkin in his pocket and takes a bite.

I snap up straight and nod. “Yes, your spawn.”

“That wife of your buddy…” Steve trails off, shaking his head.
