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Sure, it’s a process that takes about a decade to get through and pretty much never gets approved for demons with his skill. But still, it would mean he lied to me, and if I let myself think too much about that, I think the betrayal could kill me. Instead, I watch Lucy busy herself gliding with no hands. Eventually, I muster the courage to use the vial, even if it means being discovered.

“Whoops,” I say, pouring the liquid on the word ‘Argoss’ first.

The paper sizzles and burns, though nothing happens but the golden color of the ink shifts to a dull crimson. In an instant, its original hue returns, and I realize whoever left the note must have considered my safety in all this. Right?

I wonder how to explain this to Lucy, or whether I even should, as I return the phony document back to its spot in the demon’s desk. I’m definitely confronting the liar.

To marry for convenience is one thing. No one’s getting hurt if the facts are straight and everyone knows their role. But to marry for convenience under the impression I know why, then realize I actually don’t, is a headache on its best day and a nightmare on its worst.

I trust myself to know he isn’t dangerous, but whatever baggage he’s got, I don’t want. Whatever reason he had to do this, heusedme. Not only had I begun to trust him, I had even let myself fall for him. Now I feel like I never really knew him at all.

Hey, Sybil. Sorry for the late notice, but is there any way the girls are up for a play date with Lucy?

I stare at my draft text to Sybil, who gave me her number to use for stuff like this. Times when one mom could come through for another.She’s bored at home and could use the change of scenery,I add, deciding I need to confront Argoss about this in private.I’ll owe you one!

I see the response bubbles immediately. They stop and it feels like a lifetime before the actual message drops in the feed.

Make it two and you’ve got a deal. Date night?

She sends a kissy face after this, and I decide to keep things vague for now.

I wish,I start, adding a ‘smiling behind a hand emoji.’More like someone’s got some ‘splaining to do. Haha. Get married, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.

I just hit send and worry about what to tell Lucy later. Maybe when we’re in the car. I can think on the fly and drive at the same time. She loves surprises, as illustrated by her reaction to Argoss’ daily ones, so it’s perfect.



“Aferret? Are you kidding me?” Felicity shrills. I don’t see what the big deal is. Lucy is perfectly capable of taking care of a pet if she wants to. It’s not a meerkat, but it’s close enough. Felicity is just being hysterical.

“What’s your problem?” I ask. “A ferret makes for a fine pet and potentially an excellent familiar. It’ll teach her the finer points of thievery and responsibility.”

Felicity glares, crossing her arms. “My problem is that everyone says this is a great idea, but will either of you be taking care of it? No. It’ll be me. I’m the one who gets stuck with the problems you create.”

“What problems do I create?” I demand.

“What about the fact that you’re lying to me and have been for a while?”

I blink, trying to remember what I’d lied about to her recently. “What?”

Fishing a piece of paper from her purse, she slaps it against my chest. “What’s this?”

Hellfire burns in my belly as I read the note.Fucking Cyella.She’s ruined everything for me.

Crumpling the paper, it vanishes to ash in a puff of flame summoned by my fingertips. “I can explain everything.”

She takes a seat in my wingback chair. “Fine. Then tell me what the note meant.”

I feel my features harden, my jaw going as tight as stone. “Felicity, if you want this to work, you’re going to have to trust me. And you can start by staying out of my things and out of my business.”

“It’s not just your business if it involves me and Lucy,” she shoots back.

My fists clench, nails biting into flesh. “Marriage is about trust.”

“Which has to be earned.” If she was a witch, her furious gaze would have hexed me without her having to cast a single spell. “Give me a reason to trust you.”

“I told you everything you would get in exchange, and you did. We adopted Lucy. I didn’t see you complaining when you moved into this house or when we traveled the world together staying at luxury hotels.”
