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“The cool kids club isn’t a very cool name,” Graham says, seated between Desiree and Roland, who both came dressed up as a character from a human ghost story.

Did I mention the cool kids club likes themes? Because the cool kids club likes themes. Dressing up in general, really.

“Wait, hold on!” I holler just as Bo is about to get up. “The seated circle is sacred to my people. We have to close it properly before the cool kids club closes session.”

“The seated circle is sacred would be a good password,” Briannica says. Bo nods his head at her, which he’s been doing a lot since the party started at noon. I look at my new ring watch,which Uncle Greiko got for me because he didn’t get the memo that I sent about everyone’s presence being the present.

"I do have presents because friends are gifts!” I explain.

“That is so nice of you to say,” Briannica says, hiding a smile behind her hand.

I know what she’s about to ask next, so I ask it for her. “So does that mean you get to keep your present? No.”

A collective sigh from the cool kids club makes me grin. I’d probably feel the same way if I were still at the orphanage. As a matter of fact, I know I would. That’s why they’re all still leaving with a present, just not their own.

“Dang, there’s always a catch,” Bo shakes his head slowly, then looks at Briannica. His face is dumb right now, but I keep that to myself because, manners. “Isn’t that the way with demons, ladies?”

“Rude,” Graham says. He smirks as the rest of the cool kids club agree.

Poor Bo. Sure, he was saying something dumb and looking that way at the same time. But to be honest, I’m not hurt. It’s a party!

Plus, I once asked Bo to help me catch a cute bunny for Felicity and he did. Well, he tried to. What I thought were bunny tracks turned out to be skunk tracks. And what I thought was a good way to escape the situation turned out to be the worst decision in the history of me making choices. But how am I supposed to know yelling at a skunk doesn’t scare them till I try?

“Gotcha!” I point in his face, then do jazz hands for the rest of the cool kids club, then right back to his face. All in all, I’ve got their attention. “A different demon stereotype, tricks!” I hold my hands up high but nothing happens. “Tricks!”

Oof, nothing. I shake out my hands and imagine they’re lighting, just like Argoss taught me. “I said tricks!” My fingertipsare tingly and cold. I know I’ve done something because everyone is gawking.

“Cool!” Graham and Brianna say at the same time.

“I still don’t get it, though,” Brianna continues.

“Yeah, me neither. Is your magic the gift?” Bo asks, cocking his head, then checking to see if Brianna is nodding along or not. I’m going to need to take him aside, I think, and remind him not to be a follower.

“No, sorry,” I answer.

I don’t know why, but I’m sick of presents. Really, I am. And I once wrote a whole comic book on a girl who could grant wishes just because.

Did nobody read the memo? Argoss swore he sent them out. I’ll need to investigate this with the parentals after the party. I have too much stuff as it is. It’s been simply a nightmare trying to fit all my new toys into an already busy schedule.

I clear my throat and continue. “I mean, you guys keep what you got me and swap.”

“Ooh, ultimate party favors!” Desiree exclaims, pointing through the oddly cut window of the spooky bounce house.

The gifts are on the patio table, which Felicity and I covered in cobwebs and black sparkles. Even from here, it looks pretty boss.

“I hope you guys like nail polish,” Desiree continues, a sheepish look spreading across her face.

“We do,” Bo answers.

Graham shrugs and nods. “I’ll try anything once.”

“Even a zombie?” Briannica teases.

Graham rolls his eyes, then scoffs. “Been there, eaten that.”

It’s so funny I have to high five him for it. “But seriously, let's go find some food.”

I let everyone climb out before me, then wait for the cool kids club to quit gawking at the outside of the bounce house so I can get out.
