Page 23 of Stone Heart

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“But it’s warm,” Grace adds, skipping along next to me.

“Oh, look at the ponies!” I try to draw their attention away, but a hand lands on my shoulder, and I jump.

“Holly.” Cam sounds resigned. I slap a smile on my face, even though my vision is blurring and look over my shoulder.

He holds up a car seat and grits his jaw when he sees my unshed tears. “I came to give you this.”

“My car is open,” I say quickly and walk away with both girls. When we reach the other students, I see a pristine-looking woman with blonde hair and high heels looking me up and down. Mandy. She watches me with a look of disdain. Oh, great, another member of Team Cam. I smile, but she sticks her nose up, turning away. “Arabella, sit straight. No, you're still slouching, straight… No, straight, chin up, smile!” she instructs loudly. Jeez, poor kid.

The girls are bouncing off the walls when they finish their lesson. I took a few more photos for Dan and myself. Beau looks ready to burst. They both did so well. We hand the helmets back to an assistant, and I walk behind as both girls chat animatedly about the horses.

“Can Grace come to play at our house?” Beau asks as we all get in the car.

“Yes, I think her daddy will collect her later. Let's go home and get some ice cream. You girls were fantastic!” I exclaim. Grace and Beau disappear outside as soon as we arrive, with a box of plastic horses clattering between them. I find them a few minutes later with little fences balanced in the grass, stables and lots of horses littering the garden. Both girls are acting out their play, galloping around and talking in different voices.

“Look at our stables!” Grace shouts, pointing to the array of buildings. “We are making a riding school.” She smiles, showing me that missing tooth again.

“Wow, it looks brilliant. Here we go, ice cream for the best riders in Richmond.” They giggle and take their ice creams.

“Can Grace sleepover?” Beau asks, and Grace gasps, looking at me hopefully. Oh bugger.

“Well, not tonight. I can ask her daddy,” I tell them. I leave them to it and make myself an ice cream and take it on the decking. Sending Dan the other photos, I ask if Grace can sleep over one night, but he never replies. I check my phone every now and then, but he hasn't even read my message. He’s probably driving. The girls are occupied and playing happily. It’s nice for Beau to have a friend, I think, watching them from the kitchen as I prepare for dinner. I even whip up a batch of cakes for them to decorate.

An hour and a half later, there is a knock at the door. I suspect it’s Dan and swing it open with a smile, but it drops like a lead balloon. “Dan is stuck in traffic. I need to collect Grace,”Cam says stiffly. My phone pings so I pull it out my pocket and see a text from Dan himself.

Stuck in traffic. Cam on his way.

I lift my phone awkwardly,letting him know I got the memo. “They are out back. I will go get her,” I tell him, and when I see him move to come in, I close the door quickly. He's not welcome in here, and if I'm being honest with myself, I don’t even want him at my door.

“Grace, your uncle is here to get you. You can stay another night, okay?” I say quickly when I see her face fall. “It is very short notice and maybe your daddy has plans.”

“His friends are coming round,” she murmurs, reluctant to leave.

“That sounds fun. You will have a great time!” I try to keep upbeat, but she scrunches her nose up.

“I don’t like football.”

“Oh, you can definitely sleep over another night. Let's get your things.” I had packed her bag so I pick it up and hook it over her shoulders, opening the door to find Cam looking as awkward as me.

“Thank you.” Grace smiles.

“You’re welcome, but next week, Cam will take you riding. Remember what we spoke about earlier. You will still see Beau at school and at riding.” Grace nods and goes into Cam’s arms. She yawns, and he smiles lovingly at her.

“When will my daddy be home?” she asks, flattening her palms to his stubbled jaw.

“He’s stuck in traffic. I have that DVD and treats for a movie night. I’ll watch some with you before the game starts.”

“Are you sleeping at my house?” Grace asks. She rubs her palms over his face, smirking when his beard tickles her.

“I think me and your dad are too big to share a bed together.” He laughs. “Say bye,” Cam tells Grace, lowering her to her feet and taking her hand in his large one.

“Bye, Holly! Bye, Beau!” Grace waves.

“Here’s her seat.” I lean down and hold it out to him. Cam stares at me, and our eyes lock, and for a moment, neither of us moves. My breath catches and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes. It’s too poignant to be about the stables. I feel the weak structure of my heart cracking. His vibrant green eyes are still my undoing, with his dirty blonde hair and tanned skin, his eyes are so bright, I suck in a deep breath and will him to look away because I can’t break the connection. Cam opens his mouth to say something, but I panic.

Clearing my throat, I smile brightly at Grace as Cam takes the seat. “Bye, see you soon!” Beau is waving frantically. I scoop her up, needing the closeness of her to support my racing heart. I close the door, but Beau wants to wave until the car goes, and I can feel Cam eyeing me through the window. I'm still sucker-punched by that look. As soon as he stands tall and moves to get into the driver's side, I walk away and watch Beau from a distance.

Later that evening, I’m sitting in the bathroom as Beau takes a bath. Cam’s panic at me sharing Grace’s image plays on my mind. “Does Grace talk about her mummy with you?” I casually ask, folding the laundry.
