Page 56 of Stone Heart

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“Enough about me. Have you spoken to Cameron since he kissed you?” Em asks, following me into the back office. I shake my head but don’t turn to look at her. She will know if I'm lying. I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions. “I heard he and Nadine broke up.”

I hum and keep my head down.

“It’s okay to be happy about that. You’re still in love with him, Holly. I knew it the second I saw you both together. There is this sway about you both. I think you came back because you were finally ready to forgive him.” I flinch because although I kept telling myself he wouldn’t be here, inside, in a tiny dark and depraved part of me, I wanted him to be here. Wanted him to fix all the hurt I had suffered with. At my own cost, apparently. If anyone needs forgiving, it’s me.

“What will be, will be.” Her face falls, and I move past her, desperate to get away from the conversation.

After Beau had gone to bed the other night, I researched extensively on his court case and trial. It ran for a year. A year! All that time of being picked and pulled at, having people build up a sick assumption of you whilst others allow it to be exploited for personal gain. I’ve not been able to look at the people of Richmond the same way. Why didn’t they help him?

Someone eventually had, because Sarah suddenly dropped all charges and recanted her statement. Another person had come forward for spiking Cameron’s drink and several witnesses stated he had gone in the room alone and seen her follow. As quickly as Cameron’s parents had cut ties with him, she had disappeared too. I'm ashamed to admit I searched online for her too, but she is using an alias or hasn’t embarked on social media life. I hope karma does her dirty when it finally catches up with her.

“Do you really mean that?” Emily says from beside me as I approach a customer at the counter.


It’s closingtime and Beau is scribbling away at a table with some glitter pens. Emily and I are cleaning, and Keeley left early to go on a date. I'm busy with the hoover so I don’t hear the door ping, but I do catch sight of Dan striding through the shop to a gawking Emily. I kick the hoover, switching it off as he strolls over to her.

When he heads straight for her, she lifts the dripping mop she is holding, wielding it like a weapon. He knocks it out his way and it clatters to the floor. “You’re ignoring my calls,” he drawls, eyes dragging down her body. I watch, open-mouthed, as he grips her hair and kisses her.

Jesus Christ, I’ve never seen Dan so formidable before.

“What are you doing? You kissed me.” She splutters.

Biting my lip, I try not to laugh at how tongue-tied she is. Her hand rests on her lips.

“It was not a mistake, and we will be doing it again…verysoon.” Emily rears back in shock. He means sex! “A lot,” he adds. When she doesn’t respond, he cups her jaw, and he pecks hercheek. “I’ll call you later,” he murmurs, then whispers something in her ear.


What is it with the people of this village and having all their intimate moments in my bloody shop! Dan smiles at me politely over her shoulder, and I raise my brow. “Is he okay?” I ask.

“He will be. Expect a visit,” he warns. A visit? Is that a good or a bad thing? He leaves and both Emily and I are dumbfounded. I hate these damn cryptic men!

“So, that just happened!” Emily chokes out.

“Bloody hell, I can’t believe he didn't care I was here!”

“I told you he was dominating,” she squeaks.

“What did he whisper to you?” I say without thinking, but she goes even redder. I hold up my hand. “On second thoughts, I don’t want to know.”

She giggles, then leans to grab the mop, and I start to laugh. “I think I got dirty water on his suit.” She cackles.

“You looked like you were wielding a sword.”

“I'm so embarrassed,” she whines and stomps off dramatically with the mop and bucket.

“Wait, don't go, someone else is coming. I need your ninja mop skills again!” I shout after her.

“This mop will be going where the sun doesn’t shine if you carry on!”

“A cave!” Beau pipes in from her spot where she’s colouring a book. “Suns don’t shine in caves.” We burst out laughing.

Emily sticks her tongue out from the back office, then grabs her belongings. “Right, I'm off home. See you tomorrow!” she calls back to us both.

Beau helps me lock up, and we head home after a busy day. She had PE today, so I know she will be out like a light tonight.

“Yeah, Unky Cam!” Beau squeals excitedly. My eyes flash to the house, and there he is, sitting on the front bench. I throw a bright smile into the back at Beau to dispel my unease.
