Page 63 of Stone Heart

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“I don't want your pity.”

“Affirmative.” I nod. My response aggravates her further and when she points her finger at me, I hold my hand up. “Nadine, I'm the fucking worst at this. I don't know how to say what you want to hear, so please stop trying.” I shrug. “I can’t make you feel better.”

“Isn’t that the truth. You should see a therapist. I actually think you enjoy hurting others. It makes me wonder if the rumours were, in fact, true!” I slam the door in her face, my gut spasming with fury and something akin to disgust. Dr Peterson will have a field day with all this material.

“Fuck you!” she screams and storms down the drive and into her vehicle, slamming the car door loudly.

I drop my head forward until it meets the wood with a thud.

Well, that went well.

Chapter Twenty


All week, I have been preparing for Beau’s party today. I have been left with an odd sense of guilt at dropping her to school this morning. Usually, we’d have the day together, but that will no longer be the case now she is in education. I'm just glad tomorrow is Saturday. Emily and Keeley have agreed to help run the shop, so Beau and I can have a day out. Danielle has made Beau the most stunning unicorn cake, which she is delivering when I finish work at lunchtime. It will give me a few hours to prep the last bits before her friends from school arrive. Most of the food is ready, all I need to do is decorate.

Being the first birthday for Beau without her Pop Pop here, I had a photograph of them printed and framed so she could enjoy his presence. I know she misses him, but school and Grace have kept her distracted. We have visited his grave several times since our return, but Beau doesn’t understand what that means. I stared tearfully at the photo all night before I wrapped it up, covering their bright smiles with glittery unicorn paper. After Cameron’s confession, I wonder why my father had never vocalised any of it with me. Had he thought Cameron had hurtme too? We’d all wronged him. Me and his parents especially. No matter how long it takes, I will earn back his trust.

My only defence is I was unaware of the rape or any trial. His parents, on the other hand, they believed the lies and abandoned him. How could they believe the bullshit Sarah had spouted!

I want to make Cameron stay.

But what I want isn’t relevant. Making sure Cameron heals and is happy is my only goal now. He was always determined, so I know he has given moving away careful deliberation. He’s giving up so much to remove his past from his life, and having been through something similar, I know his mind is made up.

Seeing his vulnerable side the other week has left a shard of shame jammed in my gut. I abetted in his downfall. Unknowingly, I helped others to hurt him. All these years, I’ve held him accountable for something that seems so minuscule in the face of the truth. I hope Sarah is out there somewhere fighting against karma's capable hands. She deserves what Cameron would have been subjected to had she not dropped the charges. She perverted the course of justice and falsely accused him of rape. She should be charged!

“Hey, you okay?” Emily asks, startling me out of my dark thoughts. I snap around and throw a bright smile. “Thought you were going?” she asks, leaning into the doorframe. She admitted earlier she is seeing Dan. I'm not sure how serious things are or if it’s official, but she looks a little brighter around the eyes.

“Just getting my bag.” I lift it up and pull my coat down off the rack, tugging it on. “I really appreciate this.”

“Yes. Yes, we know. Go, be with Beau!”


“I’ll be over tonight to give her my gift.”

“Okay, I’ll save you some cake.” I peck her cheek, and she blinks, startled at me. She is yet to realise that she will be my rock when Cameron leaves.

“Are you sure you’re okay, hun?” I nod, hooking my bag over my shoulder and hightail it out of the shop. The cold air chases around my neck, and I huddle down, rushing to the car. The traffic is quiet, so I'm home within minutes, but coming back to find Cameron’s car in my drive has me almost stalling my vehicle.

“Dammit!” I snap and wiggle the gear into place and park up beside him. I climb out and head towards the door when the echoing of someone drilling and hammering has me backing up and taking the side gate to the back garden. “Hello?” I call, but it’s drowned out by a drill loudly splintering through the quiet neighbourhood. What on earth is going on? I round the back of the house and gasp, cupping my mouth when Cameron comes into view. He stands back with his hands on hips and grins happily at the wooden playhouse situated under the willow tree in the back garden. It’s painted a delicate pink with a white trim. White shutters and pristine flower boxes finish it beautifully. Tilting his head, he moves in and adjusts the colourful bunting decorating the roof. “Cameron,” I whisper, in shock. He spins round and frowns at me. “I-It's so beautiful. She’s going to love it.” I could never afford to give her anything as unique and charming as this, but that doesn't bother me. I'm astounded by his generosity after everything I have subjected this man to. He keeps on giving.

“I’ve upset you.”

Shaking my head, I smile gently and walk towards him and the house. “This is incredible. You’re so talented,” I whisper, peeking inside to find it painted white, a small table and two chairs in the same light pink filling half the inside. I step back and stand beside him. “It’s… Beau is going to be in awe. I'm in awe.” I laugh lightly and smile up at him through my tears. I run a hand over the window and shake my head in wonder. Cameron shifts uncomfortably and I flick a secretive look at him. He hasno idea how gifted he is. “Thank you. Truly. No one has ever done anything like this for Beau. I can’t even begin to think how I can repay you.” I don’t just mean the magical little playhouse he’s built in our garden. As I hold his stare, I hope to convey that message.

“I don't need you to repay me,” he mutters, using the hammer to scratch at his eyebrow.

When he said he had a gift for Beau, I thought he would turn up with a unicorn book or something else, but not this! “Cameron, I'm in shock. I'm not sure who is going to have more fun, me or Beau.”

His laugh hits a chord deep inside me. Lit up, I turn around and smile at him. He flinches, stepping back and puts ample space between us. What the hell happened? I frown and wait for him to say something, but he clears his throat and drops his hammer into his toolbox. “I'm done here, so I’ll get out of your way.”

“Are you not going to pop in to Beau’s party?”

“Probably not a good idea.” He gathers his other tools and flask up from off of the grass.

“Why? Beau would love you to be here. Don’t you want to surprise her with the play house yourself?”
