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Without a warning, she cut off the kiss and smirked. "Two can play your game, Mr. Zolotov. Now, tell me this mansion has a library somewhere.”

Still trying to catch my breath, I was unable to say anything.Touché, Audrey. There was a savage underneath that innocence and I couldn’t wait for it to break free. I was looking forward to breaking Audrey’s walls. In the meantime, I hoped my library did its part.

Chapter 14 - Ivan

"Lovely weather we're having today, wouldn't you say?" The familiar authoritative voice said.

I turned to find my sister dressed in a black trench coat, large sunglasses and a colorful scarf tied around her head like the actresses during the golden age of Hollywood. Her lips were bright red and her skin shone beautifully in the sun. I returned to staring at the kids running around the playground.

"Are your kids here?" I asked as I took a large puff of smoke.

"Nah. They're currently at home. They're being watched by a nanny," Vanya took off her sunglasses, "Finding trustworthy babysitters is really difficult when you're in our line of work, you know."

I snickered and took another drag, my eyes still fixed on the children. "You're not in this line of business, Vanya. Father had made it very clear, so why am I here in this park?"

"My goodness, you don't have to remind me of my exclusion from the organization that is based on the simple fact that I am a woman. Follow me," she was already heading towards the bench. I sighed and followed her. We still had a clear view of the children from this new location and I just stood next to her.

"When I heard you wanted to meet up with me, I assumed it would be at your place. Why'd you bring me out here?" My patience was growing thin by the second and I wasn't ready to play her lectures.

"What do you think about children?" Vanya asked softly.


"Children, they're all just so fragile. It would be a simple thing to kidnap them or snap their necks and the like," her eyesremained on the kids running around. She appeared like she was in some trance.

"That's terrifying coming from a mother of two," I threw the cigarette in a nearby trash can and pulled another one out.

"No, no. I'm just trying to show the extent of their vulnerability to the world. It's because of said vulnerability that parents come into place. We take care of them and protect them from the world. One comes to find that they would rather bleed than watch their child bleed," she eyed me as I lit the cigarette in my mouth, "You're still smoking those things after all these years. You and Anton can't stop now. They'll be the death of you both."

"I seem to remember you had a phase," I countered.


"Why are we here, Vanya?" I exhaled in exhaustion.

"You really do have a glow around you. I see it now," Vanya ignored my question, "It's not that noticeable but it's there, very subtle."

The fuck is she talking about?

"Vanya, I'm getting ti—"

"For fuck's sake, Ivan. I'm talking about your incoming child and your bride-to-be, and you know it!" she snapped, hissing in annoyance.

"And don't you blame Anton," Vanya leaned back with a smug on her face and watched the children with a keen curiosity, "He's only looking out for you. Sadly, that's all he ever does. I pity him really. You're his raison d'etre. Besides, I got the information from the maid Katarzyna."

"I know Anton wouldn’t share something like this without my consent. Not even with you. Don’t go inquiring my staff about my life, Vanya," I groaned.

"That's rubbish," Vanya replied swiftly, "Plus, it's not like I'm looking into the activities of the organization. Besides, I am your sister—of course, I am poking my nose into your business."

"It’s for your own good," I warned.

"What do you know about my good? Anyway Ivan, I'm not here to quarrel. I'm just interested in who she is."

"An angel, Vanya. Now stay out of it," I tossed the cigarette into the trash can and began to walk away before she ran after me.

"Wait, damnit. You haven't announced your engagement yet, right? I'm hosting a dinner party this week, inviting the top figures of the city. Everyone and anyone will be there," she was panting as she spoke.

"And why are you just telling me about this now?" I glared at her furiously.
