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That wasn't it, Vlad. She just didn't want you there.

"And what about you? Did you get an invite?" Vlad asked.

"Of course I did, Vlad. I'm the head of the organization. I got the invite long before it became public," I answered.

"Of course. Goodnight, Boss," Vlad bowed and exited the room.

I took another drag of the cigarette, the bitter taste mingling with the thoughts that swirled within me. As I exhaled, a sense of clarity settled over me. The nights of chasing empty thrills were behind me. There was a rogue faction from the Bianchi family making subtle moves in the shadows, despite the cease-fire we had established. It was a reminder that the world I lived in was one of constant danger and treachery. Anton kept me informed of the developments, but even the pressure of the escalating conflict couldn’t distract me from the storm of emotions brewing inside me.

Chapter 15 - Ivan

Despite the plan to announce the engagement, I still found Vanya's dinner party terribly annoying. She had forced a move and dragged me into her game, and it was a game played on her own turf and by her own rules. After she was done with college, she developed a habit of throwing exquisite parties such as these, often drawing in powerful guests. I think, at the time, it gave her a purpose. It was also a time my father would use these parties to gather information and build alliances with top political figures. These grand gatherings were however never to my liking. I sighed heavily, resigned to the fact that my evening was now committed to a lavish event I’d rather have avoided. Regardless of my distaste for it, it was still the perfect stage to tell the world about Audrey and I.

My mind couldn’t help but wander back to the memories of my brother, Mikhail. He was the second eldest son and had descended from Zolotov Incarnate to the black sheep of the family. The one who dared to dream of a life beyond the dangerous Bratva lifestyle. To the family and the organization, he was now the disowned son, a traitor who had abandoned our ways to live a normal life.

But to me, Mikhail was my younger brother, my favorite. Along with Anton, he was my most cherished confidant. His skills in the organization were even greater than mine and if he had remained, he would’ve become a formidable top official in the Bratva. He was known as the prodigy of the criminal underworld. However, he had given it all up for freedom.

During our time in Boston, years ago, Mikhail longed for freedom and seeking dreams outside the darkness we were born into. Back then, the missions we went on were beyond dangerous, and a certain cloud of melancholy would oftenenvelop him. We were partners and the most feared, doing the dirtiest jobs in the most efficient way possible.

I still remembered the day he made the decision to escape after the girl was killed by our father’s enemy. After he helped our father and I defeat the Chinese boss, he put the final bullet in the old man's head and decided to put the dark days behind him. His eyes were filled with determination and a glimmer of hope as he declared his intention to leave the Bratva behind.

Back then, I didn’t fully understand his desire to break free from the clutches of the organization, but I respected him. So, I decided to help him out. His choice had come at a cost, though. Our father and the organization disowned him, casting him out like a forgotten memory.

None of them knew that I had been the one to help him escape, not even Anton. I had hidden Mikhail’s intentions and aided his departure, even though it meant breaking the unwavering loyalty that the Bratva demanded.

I couldn’t help but wonder if such an escape was possible for me. Would I ever leave the Bratva behind and find happiness and peace somewhere else? I didn’t think so. My obligations and responsibilities within the organization were too deeply ingrained, and leaving was not an option.

I had spent my entire life in service to the Bratva, climbing its ranks and becoming a formidable force within the organization. My brothers and I had followed in our father’s footsteps, ensuring the continuity of our family’s legacy. Even my sister, who had been denied entry into the organization because she was a woman, still supported the Bratva as best she could. Now, I was so powerful that I was the one making the rules. In a way, I could create a better world for Audrey and Charles.

Funny, I'm already expecting a boy.

Her emerging upstairs brought me out of my reminiscing and I was momentarily rendered speechless. She stood before me, radiant in a stunning gown that left me awestruck.

“You look stunning,” I blurted, and I noticed a blush tinge her cheeks.

The fabric seemed to caress her every curve, and the delicate embroidery accentuated her beauty in ways I had never seen before. The dress shimmered like stardust, and I couldn’t help but think she was an angel who had descended to grace my life. Trapped in the house here with me, her charm had worn off, forgotten from the forced introversion, but now it came to light once again. I made a mental note to take her out more after the party.

"Anything I should worry about or look out for when we're there?" She asked.

"Well, just avoid speaking to the people there as much as possible. They're very powerful people and they're not all what the world thinks they are," I said.


With Audrey at my side, we made our way to Vanya’s home, the air tinged with both excitement and anxiety. I held her hand tightly as we walked in. I enjoyed it, the soft feel of her skin and the closeness the evening exacted.

As we arrived at the party, the opulence and grandeur were immediately apparent. The venue was a sight to behold, adorned with the finest decor and ornaments money could buy. Vanya had redesigned her home specifically for this occasion. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a soft, golden glow over the room. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, telling tales of valor and power. Elaborate flower arrangementsadorned each table, and the fragrance of exotic blooms filled the air.

The guests were as impressive as the setting, comprising top members of the Bratva and influential political figures, most of whom I knew. Their hushed conversations, guarded expressions, and shrewd glances only emphasized the gravity of the event.

As we entered the room, there was an audible gasp from the assembled guests and the air in the place immediately changed. Everyone was surprised to see the Boss of the Bratva in the flesh, especially after I had gone on a social retreat. Beyond that, it was clear that they had not been expecting to see a woman by my side, and I could feel their curious eyes on us.

“Ivan!” Vanya rushed to me the second she caught sight of me. “So glad you came.”

“Yo, Ivan,” Vlad greeted, and strolled toward us with his hands sheathed in his pockets.

“Have some respect, Vladimir,” Vanya hissed.

“Oh, forgive me. Hello, boss.” Vlad bowed mockingly but I paid him no mind. I was used to his antics, but Vanya could never quite stand him. She rolled her eyes at him and turned her attention to Audrey. I took the opportunity to introduce Audrey to them, and Vlad was surprised yet courteous in his greetings.
