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With the map ingrained in my mind, I turned to Akira. “Stay in the car,” I instructed. “Call in my men only when you see my signal.”

As I stepped out of the car, a cloak of darkness wrapped around me. I moved with the stealth of a shadow, evading the guards stationed around the building. Each step was calculated, each movement deliberate. I felt the weight of the mission pressing down on me, the tension building with every passing moment. The silence in my steps that Katarzyna had always praised now became, like in the old days, the tool I used.

My heart pounded in my chest as I navigated the building’s interior, my senses heightened to catch any sign of danger. And then, I saw them. Salvatore and Audrey, in a room not far from where I stood.

My fingers tightened around my phone as I texted Akira, signaling him to bring in the reinforcements. Now there was no threat of the rat warning Salvatore in advance.

But as I turned my attention back to the room, my blood ran cold. Salvatore had a gun aimed at Audrey. His countenance, devoid of any emotion, revealed his dark intentions. Rage bubbled up inside me, a fiery fury that threatened to consume everything in its path.

Without a second thought, I raised my own gun and fired. The shot pierced the air, finding its mark in Salvatore’s chest. He crumpled to the ground, the sound of his body hitting the floor echoing in the room.

I rushed forward to Audrey, my heart hammering in my chest, and took out a penknife and cut out one of the ties on her wrist before a sharp pain exploded in my side. I stumbled, a cry of pain escaping my lips as I realized I had been shot. Salvatore, though wounded, was far from defeated.

Audrey’s scream pierced the air as I collided with the ground, grappling with the pain and shock. Salvatore and Ilocked eyes, a battle of wills and survival playing out in that moment. We disarmed each other, grappling in a desperate struggle for dominance.

The fight was brutal, a clash of strength and desperation. Each blow I delivered was fueled by my anger and determination to end this once and for all. He put me in a deadlock and was close to knocking me out cold when a knife ran into his neck. He gasped and struggled, releasing me from the lock.

In the meantime, Audrey had cut herself loose and stabbed him with the penknife. I quickly grabbed the gun and shot him. In a flurry of movement, it was all over. Salvatore lay motionless on the ground, the fight drained out of him.

Gasping for breath, I struggled to stay on my feet, pain radiating through my body. Audrey’s voice reached my ears, her words a distant murmur as I stumbled toward her. As our eyes met, relief and an overwhelming rush of emotion flooded my senses.

She reached for me, pulling me into her arms. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, but the pain in my side was a stark reminder of the reality of the situation. I winced, breaking the kiss as the pain became too much to bear.

Audrey’s concern was evident in her eyes, and I managed a strained smile. “We need to get out of here,” I said, my voice rough with pain. With her help, we made our way to the exit, our bodies pressed close together.

Outside, chaos reigned as Salvatore’s men clashed with the reinforcements Akira had called in. Anton, as always, had responded quickly to the signal. Audrey and I clung to each other, our steps unsteady as we made our way through the madness.

Way to go, Akira. I smiled to myself.

The night air was a welcome relief as we emerged from the building, our bodies battered and bruised, but alive.

As we walked away from the scene, the moon casting its glow upon us, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that had brought us to this point—the losses, the joy, and the unbreakable bond that had formed between us. The road ahead was uncertain, but as long as Audrey was by my side, I knew I could face anything that came our way.

“I never got to tell you this but I finally completed the book you had given me,” A smile curved my lips and she looked up in surprise and laughed.

"Really? Well, it looks like we have a lot to talk about," she replied.

Chapter 28 - Audrey

In the warm embrace of the second trimester of my pregnancy, I sat with Charlotte in a cozy corner of my new home. Ivan had purchased a new mansion in Vanya’s neighborhood, stating that the safety and quietude it brought was something our child needed growing up.

I remembered when I’d first entered the new mansion.

The sheer grandeur of the place had taken my breath away, and I couldn’t believe that Ivan and I were finally starting this new chapter of our lives together in such a luxurious haven. The scent of fresh paint and the sound of echoing footsteps had filled the air, evidence of the ongoing arrangements that would soon turn this house into our dream home.

The foyer was an elegant space, with a grand chandelier suspended from the high ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow. Polished marble floors gleamed beneath my feet as I’d moved further into the house. To my left, a sweeping staircase led to the upper levels, promising more hidden treasures to explore. Large windows lined the walls, allowing sunlight to stream in and illuminate the space.

As I ventured deeper into the house, I was in the heart of our home—the living room. Tall French doors stood open, revealing a sprawling terrace that overlooked a picturesque garden. The room itself was a masterpiece of design, with plush sofas and armchairs arranged around a magnificent fireplace. There were still signs of ongoing work—a blank canvas waiting to be adorned with our personal touches.

Passing through the living room, I found myself in the spacious dining area. A long, polished table awaited, surrounded by a mix of ornate chairs that hinted at elegant dinner parties and intimate family gatherings. The adjacent kitchen was a chef’s paradise, with state-of-the-art appliances and gleamingcountertops. I could already picture Ivan and me experimenting with new recipes and sharing quiet moments over breakfast.

Upstairs, the master suite was a sanctuary of comfort and opulence. The bedroom, with its expansive canopy bed and silk curtains, exuded an air of romance. Large windows framed scenic views of the surrounding landscape, and a cozy sitting area beckoned with promises of lazy mornings spent sipping coffee.

The empty nursery filled my heart with a mixture of anticipation and joy. I imagined soft pastels and whimsical decor, a place where dreams would take root and flourish.

Outside, the garden was a world of its own, a sprawling expanse of greenery that stretched as far as the eye could see. A mosaic of flowers and shrubs bordered winding pathways, inviting leisurely strolls and moments of quiet reflection. A gazebo stood at the heart of the garden, promising shade and shelter, a space where Ivan and I could steal away for private conversations beneath the stars. Every corner of our new home held a promise, a future waiting to unfold. As I stood there, taking it all in, I’d felt a sense of gratitude wash over me.

Now, the sunlight casting a gentle glow on us as I began narrating the intricate tale of my journey alongside Ivan. Charlotte’s eyes widened with each twist and turn of the story, her surprise evident as the layers of our experiences unfolded before her.
