Page 17 of My Instant Karma

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She accepts the ticket and shoves it in her bra. “I’ll try.”

“Do or do not, there is no try.”

I bite back a laugh at the nerdy sci-fi reference. This tense moment isn’t the time to chuckle, but she smiles, getting the quote too. “Okay.”

With the conversation over, Kurtis runs over and grabs Evan’s shoulder to stop the fight. “Dude! Come on. We need to get out of here. You just dodged those murder charges. You can’t get arrested again.”

Burly dude’s eyes widen, and he backs away. “Stay away from me!”

Dante finds his place at my side, looking like an innocent bystander. We watch Evan and Kurtis saunter off, then we follow them to our car around the corner.

“That was amazing,” I murmur. “Is that an example of what you do?”

Dante frowns. “I wish we got to do more of that, but yeah, it happens.”

“Do you think she will change her life? From what I’ve seen of humans, theydon’tchange.” It’s another reason I don’t perform real psychic readings anymore. I’ve given up on seeing the best in people.

“Judgmental much?” Dante asks with a hint of judgment himself.

“I’ve seen it too many times.” I shrug. “People get stuck in their same old story.”

“Is that what you do?” he asks with a cutting edge in his tone.

I don’t answer him and slow my pace to drop behind him. I don’t want to argue. I’m tired, and not just from the karma life.

I suppose I repeat the same mistakes, even when I hate seeing it in others, but now, my life is no longer my own.

Will I ever be able to become a better person when I’m trapped in a screwed up job, dealing out karmic justice with a bunch of professional pranksters?



By the time we return to the barracks, it’s past two in the afternoon. The guys show me the living room, which is a cozy space filled with plush couches and a large screen television. There’s even a gaming console—nix that,severalconsoles under the ginormous television.

I raise an eyebrow. “I thought there was no downtime?”

“It’s a work tool, which kind of takes some of the fun out of sabotaging some douchebag’s stats.” Kurtis frowns. “Mostly, the solo operators use it.”

I nod and sink into a cushy chair. “Was that whole situation at brunch really an instant karma situation with that abuser?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that,” Evan explains. “It was also a dose of karma forher.”

“You mean he’s going to hurt her because of the lottery ticket?” I ask, my body rigid with concern.

“No,” Dante answers quickly. “Well, not unless she shows him or tells him her plan. It wasgoodkarma for her and bad for him.”

“A two for one?” I nod. “I didn’t realize we did that.”

“What?” Kurtis retorts, irritated at me. “You think all we do is dish out bad karma?”

“It seems to be what you have done for me.” I roll my eyes and snuggle into the overstuffed chair. It’s only my first day, and I’m wiped out. I curl up and close my eyes.

I hear Evan say, “You’ll need to sign your contract before we endow you with your powers.”

“Uh-huh,” I murmur, falling further into the napping world. I have a passing thought that by sleeping in plain sight I’m leaving myself vulnerable to them, but they broke into my room last night, so I don’t think anywhere is safe anymore.

* * *
