Page 30 of My Instant Karma

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“I get that hazing is still part of my initiation, but can we stop with the sex angle? I’m fucking over it.”

“I can’t guarantee anything.” Evan glances at Dante and Kurtis. “But guys, we probably shouldn’t stir up her anger in case she enacts some justice on us again,” Evan says pointedly.

The two look out the window where I knocked Kurtis ten feet, and they nod.

“Prudent suggestion.” Dante nudges Kurtis, who sighs his acknowledgment.

“On to business,” Evan announces. “Tessa, you and I are going on a typical outing so I can show you how a workday goes.” He turns to Kurtis and Dante. “You two will stay here. Do your trolling thing.”

“That isn’t fair!” Kurtis throws his hands in the air in protest.

“Fine, you can go out, but not with us,” Evan retorts.

Furrowing his brow, Dante doesn’t say anything as he leaves with his half-eaten sandwich.

* * *

After finishing lunch, Evan walks me out to their giant ten-car garage. He grabs a key from a hook and heads over to a blue convertible Corvette. It doesn’t fit with his hot professor persona.

“This is your car?” I ask skeptically.

“Yeah, you can pick out a car of your choosing, and I’ll have it delivered. You just have to justify your choice if it’s expensive.”

I venture a guess. “You justified this one to make old men jealous of you?”

“Andthe younger ones.” He grins wickedly. “And today, I have the bonus of having a beautiful woman in it with me.”

“Whatever,” I scoff. “So how do you pick your targets, or are they picked for you?”

“For bigger jobs, we have names and places provided. Half the time, we just have to leave the house to find a mark to take down.”

I slip into the leather seat, and a sigh of pleasure escapes me. It is perfectly crafted, molding to my body like an embrace.

The engine rumbles to life and vibrates through me. Once we clear the gate, Evan stomps on the gas, and I feel the thrill of acceleration.

It reminds me of when I had owned a vintage black ’67 Impala like the one on Supernatural. The thing guzzled gas like a fish, but damn if it didn’t launch me into euphoria when I’d open it up on an empty country road. Windows down, I would holler to my heart’s content, letting out all the grief I accumulated up to that point.

Seeing my wide smile, Evan says, “Not a bad perk, huh?”

“I can haveanycar?” I ask, and when he nods, I say, “Then I want this one.”

Evan laughs. “How about I let you borrow it?”

“I will allow it,” I say haughtily.

His expression turns serious. “Tessa, we need to figure out why you have that extra power.” He pulls into a strip mall. There are various stores, but the one that catches my eye and the one he parks in front of reads, “Psychic Readings.”

I slap myself on the knee. “Hilarious. Seriously, though, what are we doing here? Are we about to serve some justice? Does she rip off her clients?” I rub my hands together like the evil henchwoman I am.

Evan shuts off the engine and turns in his seat to face me. “She’s the real deal. Of all people, you know some psychics have the juice. If we go in there, she might have answers to what’s going on with you. If you’d rather leave it alone, manage your abilities, and keep them quiet, then fine, but I don’t think you can just let this ride.”

My throat goes dry. This is that big moment where I choose my own adventure. Choose the regular, crazy life of a karma agent or find out what a big freak I am?

I open the door as my answer, and Evan hurries to catch up to me at the shop’s entrance.

When my hand touches the shop’s door handle, I sense the power of her aura. She has the goods all right—straight, uncut, and top-frigging-shelf potency—but would she be able to clue me in on what’s going on with me?

“Come on in already, Tessa,” she calls from inside.
