Page 36 of My Instant Karma

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I study the paper Carmen gave me and follow the directions to a tee. After I draw the proper symbols and sigils on the rocks surrounding the space, I chant the binding words and imbue it with my natural power. Like a flash of light, the ward snaps into place. I wait for a moment, worrying that I called the attention of the goddess, but nothing happens, and Karma doesn’t appear.

I’m safe for another hour or two at least.

Well, until I’m back to work with the biggest flirt who actually tempts me.

* * *

Getting ready for our next gig, I open my practically empty closet and see that the little black dress in my wardrobe isn’t my original one. Dante must have bought this one and replaced mine. When did he have time to do that?

I slip it on, since it’s all I have that will work. The neckline plunges a bit more than my breasts are accustomed to being shown off, and the skirt is shorter than I would normally wear. As I turn in my dress, watching in the mirror, I feel sort of sexy. It’s been a long time since I felt that way. Surrendering to the show I’ll give him tonight, I pull the tags off the dress and realize it wasn’t cheap.

I leave my long brown hair down, so I can camouflage my cleavage when I feel the need. Thegirlsaren’t used to that much of a breeze. Fortunately, I have some dressy boots that look great with the outfit. I grab a shrug to keep me warm, and after a touch up of my sparse makeup, I head downstairs.

“Beautiful!” Dante inspects my outfit. “Nice fit.”

“Where did my other dress go?” I ask.

“I’m holding her hostage,” Dante answers, “for crimes against your beauty.”

I play along. “Don’t do anything to hurt her.”

“Her fate is in my hands now,” Dante says, matching my drama. “You will have to move on while she finds her own way in life.”

I laugh. “So isthisdress in danger of the same fate?” I spin to show him how it looks. “Do I look the part of this mystery gig?”

“That dress is dangerous, but not in danger. Not yet anyway.” He moves closer and settles his hand on my lower back, pulling me to his muscular abs.

I don’t push him away since he has a way of short-circuiting my brain with his flirty hotness.

“Tonight, you are my date.” He leans in as if to kiss me but stops short. “Will you be able to play the role of my love interest?”

I swallow down my lust and feign disinterest. “Sounds tedious,” I quip.

Dante grins as if he sees past my chill attitude, then he leads me out of the house and over to the garage and opens the door to a big, black SUV. I’m surprised by his choice in vehicles.

“Leg room.” He points to his long, muscular legs. “This will be a hard assignment. You will have to put up with me hitting on you all night.”

“But what experience will I draw from?” I ask innocently. “And,for my role, will I succumb to your boorish charms?”

“One can only hope.”

I shake my head and ask seriously, “So really, what’s the job?”

“My date,” he answers with concern. “Do you not want to go now?”

“No.” I feel flustered. “I mean, yes, I’ll go. I just thought you were teasing me. I can pretend to be your date tonight.”

His shoulders relax a bit, but I can tell something bothers him.

As he drives, I explain, “I thought you were doing another one of your jokes on me. No one is going to buy that you are dating me.”

“You never dated much, did you?” he asks, ignoring my comment.

“You mean when I wasstill of this world?” I say with a wistful tone, then I drop the joke. “No. I didn’t. I had a few, uh, I guess I’d call them…relationships, but they were all bad.”

“Relationships. Dating. They don’t all have to be bad experiences.”

“Maybe.” I bite my lip and don’t argue that my dating life always ends with a horrible finale for me. I don’t expect now will be any different. Dating and/or screwing my coworkers are disasters in the making, and I have had enough disasters in my life.
