Page 91 of My Instant Karma

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“Yes, even though it was ostentatious of you to summonme.” His voice sounds hollowandexpansive at the same time. He seems to suck up all the air in the spacious room.

“I apologize if I offended you.” I pull the covers close, concealing my naked breasts. “But I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Tessa Maat, what do you want from me?” he asks without emotion.

“I hoped for answers to what I am, and what I can do about my future.”

He stands there silent for a moment. Will he answer me?

“Your name, Tessa,” he says, “means harvester, which also meansreaper.”

My eyes lock onto his scythe.

“Yes.” I sense a creepy grin stretch over his face, even if he doesn’t really have one. “Psychopomp, death doula, shinigami, angel of death, spirit guide, ankou. Santa Muerte, death agent… However, the most accurate classification for you is the concept of Yama from Hindu scriptures.”

Remembering Carmen’s book, I whisper, “The death king of karmic justice.”

“Good. You have been studying.” I almost hear the praise in his reserved voice. “Yes, King Yama was real. You are his direct descendant. Legend says he was the first man to die. He became the guardian, judge, and ruler of the dead within his culture.”

“That’s how I candowhat I do?”

“Yes. You can deliver souls to the afterlife and pull them back if you wish it,” Death says. “You are naturally gifted with my agents’ abilities.”

I shiver and look around nervously, expecting Karma to show up and catch me.

“You need not fear anyone hearing our conversation, not even Instant Karma can eavesdrop on us.”

“Do you know what she wants from me?”

Death sighs. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a wearier sound.

“That one has big ambitions. She encroaches on my territory and souls far too often, especially as of late. As her name grows in recognition, she grows in power. She pushes her will and forces people like you and your lover to harm others. Your natural ability will strengthen her power by enacting the zenith of instant karma—death.”

“She wants me tokillpeople? Someone who wasn’t meant to die yet?”

His silence is my answer.

“Did she set up my life so I had to work for her?”

“You know the answer to that. She has been using such tactics for quite a long time.” He nods toward Dante.

I glance at my love, wondering how he has been set up to work for Karma. I can only imagine what a “long time” is for Death. I push on for more answers. “Should I have been your agent instead?”

“There was a possibility for that outcome. However, I do not meddle with the Fates’ realm. Well, not inthatcontext.” He sounds somewhat amused with himself.

So the Fates are entities too.Great. How many supernatural beings are there?

“What happens to Karma’s agents?” I prompt. “I heard they disappear.”

“Karma drains them completely.”

“What?” I breathe deeply to stay calm. “Shedrainsour souls?”

“In the end, and every day you work for her.”

“Is there any way for me to break my contract?” I ask desperately.

“Seeing as she coerced you into it?” Death tilts his head in thought. “Maybe, but you probably won’t like what happens.”
