Page 95 of Cupid's Last Arrow

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“I like that idea too.” I grin from ear to ear. “How about we do it now?”

“Now?” Her eyes widen, and she looks around for an excuse. “But how? What are we going to do?”

“Clotho?” I call, mentally sending her the image of our wedding ceremony.

Instantly, I’m clothed in a white poet shirt and tailored black slacks.

Dee’s ensemble takes my breath away. Even she gasps as she looks down at her attire.

The dress is toga inspired, draping over her ample breasts. A swath of fabric cinches the dress at the middle and gives it shape, enhancing hers. It’s also very short, barely covering her round ass. It leaves nothing to the imagination except for the image of me ripping it off her.

“Thanks, Clotho, I owe you one.” I lick my lips, and a flutter of emotion overwhelms me. “Is it weird that I have butterflies in my chest and stomach?”

“Real ones?” Dee grins. “Are they pretty?”

“Not as pretty as you,” I say, my energy settling with her giggle after her joke. Appreciatively, I eye the sexy dress that’s more lingerie than something one would wear out in public. “Are you okay with this dress?”

“For a private ceremony? Totally. Not sure I would prance around with any other guys there.” Dee blushes.

Holy me, her blush is adorable since I now know how playful she is becoming in the bedroom. I look forward to seeing her fully blossom into her sexuality. I have a feeling she will eventually make me blush.

“Good. I don’t want to share your beauty, but I suppose we will have to leave the house at some point.” I grin my easygoing smile, so she knows I won’t be obsessively possessive… just enough so she knows I want her and she will never doubt that she’s desired and treasured.

I snap my fingers, and a small table pops up with some ceremonial items on it.

I pick up a long, looped chain. I put one side over my head, letting it rest on my shoulders. Then I twist the chain once between us and place the other loop over her head. “I place this chain of life and love around us, creating a sign of infinity, because our love will know no bounds. We represent love itself, and we are filled with love for each other. Whatever we put out will come back around to us, so let it be a circuit of laughter and joy, soft caresses and cries of bliss, and sweetsomethingsand shared passions. Let us not hide our darkness from one another, but be a light for each other when life challenges us.”

“That’s beautiful,” Dee murmurs softly.

“Now, for our personal vows,” I say.

Cradling her face, I gaze down into my true home—her soul. “Although we have not known each other long, I know that love can be created in an instant. It was born in me when I saw you. My soul recognized yours. I knew I was safe, and I was free to be myself with you. I have never had that before. Thank you for accepting me and for overlooking my failings. I vow from this moment, actually, no, it was from the moment we met… I vow I will protect you. I will cherish every minute I have with you. I will support you in your new role and whatever path you need totake. I love you, I honor you, and I vow to make you happy so you will continue to deem me worthy of your pure heart.”

I lean down and capture her lips. She moans, and a single tear streams down her cheek.

I brush it away, and she says, “Happy tears.”

Squaring her shoulders and taking in a deep breath, Dee says, “I, too, cherish that you allow me to feel safe in being me. From the very beginning, I felt cherished in our friendship more than I had any other time in my life cumulatively. Your sweet, supportive presence made me realize I needed to honor myself as much as you were honoring me. Now, I am honored to be the one who has won your pure heart. Never in my life would I have believed I could feel this much joy, but sharing my life with you has already been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I pledge to do my part in making our relationship and our bond grow and strengthen. I want to make you proud of me in my new role as a deity, as I’m proud to call you my personal god.” Dee’s face splits in a huge smile. “I vow to get your cellphone number one day, so I can have a love god on speed dial.”

“You have me on speed dial without a phone number, sweetheart.” I give her a kiss and chuckle. My pants become tight, thinking how she pressed her ample breasts in my face that night when she tried to get my phone. It took everything in me not to claim her for myself at that very moment.

“Good to know.” She giggles, her eyes lighting up as I sense she read my mind. She continues, “I’m not a poet, but I am an artist. I want to capture your every look and every mood, loving every second.” She gives me a quick kiss to seal her promise.“Now what happens?” she asks, her gaze sliding down my body.

I scoop her into my arms, wrap her legs around my waist, and walk her to the bed. I set her down, but she keeps her legs tightaround me. I moan my approval. “Now, I will vow with all that I am.”

“Naked?” Her eyes glint with sinful joy.

“I will always be naked and bare—heart and soul—for you, my true love.”

