Page 101 of The Con Artist

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“I already had my meeting.”

“Huh? I don’t understand. You said that you would be tied up for a few days.” I broke our embrace.

“I am going to be tied up for a few days, but not with meetings,” he spoke. “Kate, sit down.”

“Gabriel, what’s going on?”

He got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket. Opening the lid, he took out a beautiful diamond ring and held it up.

“Kate, words cannot explain how much you have changed my life. I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you. You are my entire world and I can’t imagine you not being in it.”

I placed my hand over my mouth as tears started to stream down my face.

“Living with you the past three months has been incredible and I fall in love with you more every single day. I didn’t think it was possible, but I do, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you as your husband and you as my wife. Being my girlfriend just isn’t enough for me. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and spending the rest of your life as Mrs. Gabriel Quinn?”

The uncontrollable urge to bawl my eyes out swept over me as I cried like a baby in front of him.

“Sweetheart, you’re scaring me.”

“I—I—I’m just so happy,” I cried. “I wasn’t expecting this.”

“I wanted to surprise you. So—”

“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you. It’s all I want.”

A wide grin splayed across his face as he slipped the ring on my finger and then brought my hand up to his lips.

“I love you more than life, baby,” he spoke.

I was shaking uncontrollably as I wrapped my arms around his neck and we both stood up.

“I love you more than life,” I whispered in his ear.

Suddenly, we heard the light claps of Bobby and Rose, who stood in the doorway and watched us. Rose set Lady down and she came running over to us. Gabriel bent down and picked her up.

“She said yes, Lady. Your mama said yes!” he spoke with excitement.

“Looks like we have a wedding to plan, Bobby.” Rose smiled.

“We sure do, Rose.” He hooked his arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder.

* * *

Gabriel and I were married in the gazebo at The Mermaid Inn of Mystic. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. The sun was shining, and it was a perfect seventy-five degrees outside. We had to plan the wedding quite quickly while the weather was still nice, which was fine with me because I couldn’t wait to become Mrs. Gabriel Quinn. We kept the wedding small, inviting only about a hundred people. It was what we both wanted. Something intimate with family and a few friends.

“Welcome to the family.” Caleb smiled as he kissed my cheek and gave me a hug.

“Thanks, Caleb.”

“Welcome to the family, Kate. I couldn’t have asked for a better woman for my son to marry.” His mother grinned.

Gabriel and I both decided not to tell her about my past and we warned my father not to speak of his. She would be appalled and change her mind about me if she knew how we really met.

* * *


I had never felt so much happiness in my life. It was time for us to have our first dance together as husband and wife. As soon as Caleb and his band began to play, I took Kate’s hand and led her to the dance floor in the middle of the huge white tent that was strung with white lights, decorated tables and chairs, and fresh flowers that made it look exquisite. Rose had really outdone herself for our special day.
