Page 21 of The Con Artist

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“I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you had sex with her?”

“Yes. About a month ago.”

“Before or after you broke up with Greta?”

“After. I met her on the plane back from Seattle. But enough with the details. Now, what should I make for dinner?”

“What does she like to eat?” she asked as her brow raised.

“I don’t know. Does it matter? She’ll eat whatever I make and if she doesn’t like it, then that’s her problem.”

“If it didn’t matter, you would have come here by yourself and bought whatever you wanted. You wouldn’t have asked for my help. My suggestion would be to get some salmon and a couple of steaks. She should like one or the other.”

“Thanks, Grace. I owe you.”

“You sure do, Gabriel. Especially if I’m now a babysitter.” She smirked.

* * *


I lay on the bed, grabbed the remote, and started flipping through channels, praying and hoping something good would be on to keep me occupied. He could not, and I repeat, could not keep me locked up in this room. I’d go stir crazy. Insane. How did he expect me to repay him for the watch when he wouldn’t let me out of this damn room? I threw the remote down and began pacing back and forth trying to figure out how to get myself out of this mess. I stopped and ran to the door when I heard footsteps in the hallway.

“If you’re back, you can let me out of this room!” I shouted as I pounded on the door.

“Hello?” I heard a male voice that wasn’t Gabriel’s.

My heart started pounding. Someone else was here and this was my chance to escape.

“Help me!” I pounded on the door. “Can you please let me out?”

“Who’s in there?” the male voice spoke.

“Please just open the door!” I shouted.

“Lady, calm down. Why are you locked in there?” he asked as he jiggled the doorknob.

“Because the man of the house is holding me as his prisoner. Please help me!”

I heard him chuckle from the other side.

“Gabriel would never do that. Who are you?”

“Who are you?” I asked in a calm tone.

“Caleb. Gabriel’s brother.”

Ah, the cute one I saw in a frame on Gabriel’s desk.

“Caleb, you have to help me. Your brother is crazy. He’s holding me captive here in this room.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have a key. Where’s Gabriel?” he asked.

“I don’t know! He went out! Please help me. Can you find anything to open the door?”

“Umm. Like I said, I don’t have the key. Just sit tight. I’m sure Gabriel will be home soon.”

Was he serious? I began pounding harder on the door.
