Page 43 of The Con Artist

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Along with unrivaled beauty, myth depictsmermaidswith heart-stoppingly luscious voices. ... They are matrons of enchantment, entreating sailors with beguiling beauty, grace, and mesmerizing melodies. Seductive and charming, all those in contact withmermaidsare subject to their persuasion.

The traits she possessed were the same. As beautiful as her painting was, it was also haunting. It almost felt as if she painted it out of pain. By the end of thirty days, I would know everything about her. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep, but I had a feeling sleep wasn’t going to be my friend tonight.

Chapter 20


Igave my body a long stretch as I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Since I was now officially allowed to go out of the house, I would take advantage of it today. I’d be gone the whole day. Doing what? Who the hell knew? I wondered which one of Gabriel’s minions would get the luxury of guarding me. Would it be the cute buff guy with the short blond hair and the green eyes? Or would it be the bald guy that stood six foot four who looked like he hated life? He never cracked a smile and was always so serious.

Putting on my robe, I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen for some coffee. The closer I got, the more the aroma of something sweet captured my attention.

“Good morning, Grace.” I smiled. “What is that wonderful smell?”

“Good morning, Kate. I’m making strawberry-stuffed cream cheese crepes. Would you like some? They’re Gabriel’s favorite.”

“I would love some. Thank you.”

I was happy today because I felt as if I had some sort of normalcy back in my life. I could come and go as I pleased and had to have sex with a hot and sexy millionaire. That was as normal as life could get for me. I would use my freedom to explore new options and make a plan for when the thirty days were up. I would be kind, sweet, and over pleasing, just like I was with the others. I’d keep my feelings and emotions out of it. I had to. I wasn’t a good person and didn’t deserve to have someone as good as Gabriel. Not that he would want to settle down with someone like me. I had too much baggage, too much dishonesty, and too much of a screwed-up life for the likes of him.

“Are those strawberry crepes I smell?” Gabriel spoke as he walked into the kitchen.

“Yes, and they’re ready. So go sit down,” Grace replied.

“Good morning.” I smiled as I walked up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning.” He narrowed his eye at me with suspicion.

I took my coffee to the table and sat down. He followed, taking the seat across from me.

“You seem to be in a rare mood this morning,” he spoke.

“Maybe it had something to do with the events that occurred last night.” I smirked.

Grace looked at me and then over at Gabriel as she set down our crepes in front of us. He didn’t reply to my comment and began eating his breakfast.

“So, who’s my babysitter today? Blond buff guy or tall bald guy who hates life?”

“Huh?” Gabriel asked.

“I need to go out today, so which one of your minions is tagging along?”

“And where do you need to go?”

“Out. I need to get out of this house. Walk the streets of Time Square, go to Central Park; hell, I’d even go sit in a café all day just to get out of here for a while.”

“Edmond will be escorting you.”

“And,” I leaned over closer to him, “which one is he?”

“According to you, ‘tall bald guy who hates life.’”

I rolled my eyes. I had hoped he would say ‘blond buff guy.’ He seemed friendlier than Edmond.

“I have something for you,” Gabriel spoke as he got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen.

A few moments later, he returned and set an iPhone down in front of me.

“I thought you should have this in case I need to get hold of you or you me.”
