Page 64 of The Con Artist

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After being greeted by numerous staff and the hotel manager, Albert, we headed up to the penthouse suite on the tenth floor that overlooked the ocean. I walked out to the terrace and took in the beauty that Hawaii offered. The roaring of the ocean and the subtle sounds the waves made as they crashed to the shore gave me a sense of peace.

“Well, what do you think?” he asked as he walked up behind me.

“It’s beautiful. The hotel, the room, everything.”

“I designed this entire hotel myself. It was something I had been working on for a couple of years.”

“Your father would be so proud.” I smiled.

“Can I let you in on a little secret?” he asked.

“Of course.”

“I’m going to build a digital hotel. The first one will be in Las Vegas, and we’re projected to start building in about six months.”

“Care to explain what a digital hotel consists of?” I smirked.

“Every guest room will have their own virtual butler who will control everything in the room from temperature control, lights, shades, showers, baths, TVs. You name it, and the virtual butler will do it for you. He will even order room service for you. All you have to do is ask.”

I let out a laugh. “Are you serious? So, if I want to take a shower, what do I say?”

“For example, let’s say your butler for your room is named Gregory. You would simply say, out loud, ‘Gregory, I want to take a shower.’ The shower will turn on automatically before you even walk into the bathroom.”

“Shut up.” I lightly smacked him.

“I’m serious. Each room will have a huge computer screen attached to the wall. You don’t even have to sit down and type anything out if you want to surf the web or check your emails. The butler will do it for you. For example, you’d say, ‘Gregory, I need to check my email,’ and voila, your emails will appear on the screen. You can also check out. ‘Gregory, I’m checking out at nine a.m.’ and at that time, you will automatically be checked out.”

“Does Gregory talk back?” I asked.

“Of course. When you enter the room, he’ll greet you. When you leave the room, he’ll tell you goodbye. You can carry on a conversation with him to an extent. He’ll ask you how your day was, ask if you slept well, and tell you good morning.”

“That’s kind of creepy.” I scrunched up my nose. “I’m surprised you aren’t having a sexy woman’s voice.”

“Ah.” He smiled. “If a man is traveling alone, his butler/maid will be female. But if it’s a couple, it will be male.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Of course. It sounds amazing.”

“It will be. It was something my father always dreamed of, and before he died, he told me to make sure I built it. It was a project he had been working on for ten years. Vegas will be the first place to launch it.”

“I’m going to assume it will also be a casino?”

“Of course it will be. One of the best Vegas has to offer.” He smiled. “Listen,” he took hold of my hands, “there are only five people who know about this, including you. We are the only company that possesses that kind of technology for this right now and word can’t get out. Understand?”

“Sure. I would never tell a soul. You of all people know how good I am at keeping secrets.”

“I know.” He kissed my forehead. “We should get ready for dinner. Your dresses should be in the bedroom. Go pick one out while I get in the shower.”

When I walked into the beautifully decorated bedroom, there was a silver rack in the corner with approximately ten different dresses hanging upon it. In front of the rack, shoes were laid out, coordinating with each dress. I thumbed through the rack and pulled out a champagne-colored gown with ornate beading and a layered A-line bottom. It was perfect. I took my makeup in the bathroom of the other bedroom in the suite, took a shower, and got ready. After curling my hair, I pinned it up but left a few wispy curls hanging. After slipping into my dress and putting on the matching shoes with a heel, I walked out into the living area of the suite and saw Gabriel standing on the terrace with a drink in his hand. His eyes raked over me from head to toe.

“You look stunning.” He smiled as he walked towards me.

“And so do you in your black tux.” I smirked as I straightened his bow tie.

“Shall we?” He held out his arm.

“We shall, Mr. Quinn.”

We took the elevator down toIncognito, one of the formal restaurants in the hotel. The place was filled with influential businessmen and women. We mixed and mingled for a while as he introduced me as Kate. I was grateful he didn’t tell my last name. I wasn’t ready for the world to know me yet. I was still getting used to Gabriel knowing who I was.
