Page 66 of The Con Artist

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“Why?” I frowned.

“Because Marcel’s grandfather’s vision changed, and he wanted more too fast. He wanted to be on top and number one. He became greedy. So, to get him out of the company, my grandfather blackmailed him.”

“With what?”

“I don’t know. My father never would tell me, but it had to be something serious in order for Marcel’s grandfather to accept the buyout. That was the end of their partnership and friendship. His grandfather packed his family up, moved back to France, and opened his own hotel, which does very well. After he passed away, Marcel’s father decided it was time to move out of France and here to New York where he opened up his first hotel in the U.S.”

“Which hotel chain does he own?”

“Regal Hotels.”

“Big competition for you?” I smiled as I sipped my drink.

“Not really. They do a good business, but nothing like my hotels do. Enough talk about Marcel. Let’s go sit down for dinner.” He held out his arm.

Chapter 28


Iwatched her from across the room as she stood and spoke with some of the guests. Everyone seemed to like her. She radiated beauty and confidence and she turned me on. The feelings I had for her came full force today after she opened up to me. I considered it a breakthrough and it made me happy that she trusted me enough to tell me about her life. It was getting late and the last of the guests left the restaurant.

“Are you ready to head up to the room?” I asked her as she sat at the bar.

She stumbled as she attempted to get up.

“Whoa.” I smiled as I grabbed her arm. “I think you had one too many tequilas.”

“Nah.” She waved her hand in front of her face. “I’m fine.”

She held on to my arm, and as we began to take a few steps, she stopped.

“The room is spinning and I’m not feeling so well,” she softly spoke.

I swooped her up and carried her to the elevator.

“Lay your head on my shoulder and close your eyes,” I spoke. “And please, whatever you do, do not get sick on me.”

“I’ll try not to.” She closed her eyes.

Once we reached the suite, I opened the door and began to carry her to the guest bedroom but stopped midway and turned around and carried her to the master suite. Laying her on the bed, I took off her shoes and then rolled her over and unzipped her dress. Grabbing the robe from the closet, I laid it down on the bed while I took off her dress.

“Gabriel?” she spoke as she looked at me.


“I think I’m going to be sick.”


I grabbed hold of her arm, quickly led her to the bathroom, and rubbed her shoulders as she vomited all the alcohol she drank. Once she was done, I ran a washcloth under cool water and placed it on her forehead.

“Do you normally get sick like this when you drink?”

“No. It must have been those fireball shots I was doing.”

“Fireball shots? With who?” I asked.

“I think her name was Lydia. Or was it Lucy? Or maybe it was Lulu. Hell, I don’t remember.”
