Page 122 of Sip Of Pleasure

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Freezing in place, I nibbled my bottom lip and squeezed my eyes shut, willing my tummy to calm down.

“Turn around.” Her voice had a low, commanding tone. The kind that I always longed to have sent in my direction, and I instantly wanted to melt at her feet and beg for forgiveness.

Turning, I kept my gaze down. “I’m really sorry about the mess. I didn’t mean any harm.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head slowly. I hugged myself, hating the disapproval of the beautiful stranger.

“I’m not as concerned about the mess as I am about the Little girl in this office, alone, still in her jammies, and telling fibs.”

“It wasn’t a real fib. I was looking for something last night when I came?—”

“You’ve been in here all night alone?” I cringed at her raised tone. “What were you looking for that was so important it couldn’t wait until morning?”

“I don’t think you’re gonna like the answer.” The skin on my bottom tingled, anticipating what was likely going to happen in my near future.

“Probably not, but tell me anyway.”

I sighed. There was no way I was getting out of this without getting in trouble with someone, and a lie would just compound everything, plus I detested dishonesty. “A hiding spot.”

“And what were you hiding from?”

She was really going to make me come clean. I sighed and threw caution to the wind. I was too tired to do anything else. “We were playing hide and seek and the winner gets everybody’s cookies.”

The woman smiled and a warmth spread over my entire body. She had the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. “Well I certainly do love a good cookie, but something tells me the risk was not worth the reward. Does your Mommy or Daddy know you’ve been out of bed all night?” She raised a brow.

I fidgeted as my body responded to her attention in all the wrong ways. I was in trouble; why was I so turned on by her? “I don’t have a Mommy or Daddy,” I admitted.

“Is that so?” She was quiet for a moment. Needing some sort of comfort, I reached into my pajamas and took out my binky.

“Do you have someone here at the Ranch that you answer to, or are you here all alone, little one?” She dropped her arms and her voice gentled.

That was kind of a loaded question. All Littles and submissives at the Ranch had to answer to Master Derek, who owned Rawhide Ranch, but technically every time I came to the Ranch, I came alone. And I left alone. I came here to let Little me out in the company of people who understood. But a Mommy or a Daddy? That was still just a dream.

Not really sure what to say, I sucked my binky and shrugged.

“Well then, why don’t I just call Master Derek and we can get this issue resolved, shall we?”

She reached for the phone.

Popping the binky out of my mouth, I held up my hands. “Wait! Wait! Wait! Umm… how ‘bout I just go back to the Littles’ wing and we can forget this ever happened, pretty please?”

“That would make me a very irresponsible Mommy, and that’s just not who I am.”

The door opened and a tall, thin man with salt and pepper hair and thick black-rimmed glasses came inside. He was the definition of Daddy material. Tall, gorgeous Daddy material. Oh, boy. I was in trouble in maybe more than one way.

“Sorry it took so long, babe. Derek wasn’t in his office.” His eyes landed on me and he raised a brow. “Apparently they are looking for a missing Little girl in a unicorn onesie. Would that happen to be you?”

I took a step back, shaking my head. “I dunno who they’re looking for, but I need to go.”

I wanted to leave, but the man was blocking the door. He shook his head and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

For a split second I considered running, but where was I really going to go? Plus, if everyone was looking for me, I was in way more trouble than I’d originally thought. I took another step back, bumping into the desk and knocking over what was left of the coffee. To my horror, it spread fast, soaking the papers that had been set on the desk.

“Oh no! No, no, no! I am so sorry!” I looked back and forth between the two, but neither of them moved. “I’ll clean it up, I promise. Just let me go get a towel or something.” My heart pounded in my chest and it felt like all the air had left the room.

The man walked past me to a tall wall cabinet and retrieved a roll of paper towels. I reached for it, but the woman stopped me. “I think you should go stand in the corner and let us handle this.”
