Page 123 of Sip Of Pleasure

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Tears burned in the backs of my eyes. Corner time was the worst, and I really just wanted this whole nightmare to end. I was frustrated and embarrassed. I looked toward the door and noticed for the first time since I'd been discovered that no one was blocking my escape. I couldn’t help it. I bolted.

I made it all the way down the hall, but just as I was passing the elevator, the doors slid open and my fate was sealed. Master Derek and Nanny J were standing inside, both of them wearing stony looks on their faces.

“We’ve been looking for you, young lady,” Master Derek said.

“I know, I’m sorry. I was hiding and I fell asleep, and then they wouldn’t let me leave.” I turned and pointed down the hall to see the man and woman coming toward us.

“Mr. and Mrs. Landry, thanks for the call. I hope our Little hasn’t caused too much trouble.” Nanny J reached out and took my hand in hers, pulling me to her side.

“There is a little mess in the 101 room office, and we will need some new printouts for our presentation, but other than that, no harm, no foul,” the man assured them.

However the huge stain on the woman’s shirt couldn’t be missed. I put my binky back in my mouth and dropped my chin to my chest. This was the worst day ever.

I was never playing hide and seek ever again in my whole life.

“Why don’t you both join us in my office? I’ll have Erika get your documents printed up and you can tell me exactly what happened this morning.”

“We can do that. Thank you.” The man nodded and turned to the woman.

“I’m just going to run back to my room and change. We’ll meet you downstairs,” the woman announced.

As awful as the morning had started out, a mix of excitement and trepidation stirred inside me that I was going to get to see them again. The woman had mentioned she was a Mommy and the man had called her “babe.” Were they a couple? He didn’t strike me as a Little. Both of them had an air of dominance. And both of them looked like they’d walked straight out of my fantasies.



Istood in the corner of Derek’s office contemplating how terrible the entire hide and seek idea had been, and vibrating with nerves. I’d been to Rawhide Ranch many times, but I’d only ever gotten into trouble with Nanny J or one of the teachers. This time it involved other guests, and Master Derek was less than thrilled. Apparently they had been searching for me for hours before Mr. and Mrs. Landry, who I now knew were named Zack and Vanessa, called him.

They were not only visitors, but guests of Derek there to teach some very specific kink classes, and people from all over had come to the Ranch this week just for their presentations. I felt about two inches tall and wished for the hundredth time that morning that I’d never even played hide and seek. There was no way those cookies were worth all of this.

“Come here, young lady.” Master Derek was leaning against the front of his desk, his arms crossed against his chest. His normal jovial smile had been absent since he’d stepped off the elevator, and I desperately wanted to earn it back.

“You have a decision to make now, little one, and it’s an important one.”

“I do?” I asked, confused. That was not what I’d been expecting him to say at all.

“Yes, you do. I know this is kind of new to you, as you’ve not gotten in big trouble here before, but we have a policy here that when you wrong a Top, then the choice is presented as to who will punish you for that wrongdoing. I’m aware you don’t know the Landrys, and that you broke a multitude of Ranch rules last night and this morning, but they were affected as well. So before they come in here, I wanted to talk to you about your feelings about allowing them to handle your punishment.”

What? My head spun with the information. I had to now pick who would punish me? That was almost worse than the punishment itself. “I… I don’t know what to do.”

I eyed my binky on Master Derek’s desk and his gaze followed mine. He gently picked it up by the polka-dotted handle and held it out to me. “Why don’t you take this and I can tuck you in on the couch for a little bit so you can think about your options?”

Hurriedly, I took my binky from him and stuck it in my mouth. A few months ago I never would have been brave enough to use it in front of anyone. Not even my bestie, Brynnly, who’d visited the Ranch for a date with her high school nemesis because she lost a bet. But the Ranch had changed all of that for me. I was safe to be wholly myself when I was here. We all were.

I snuggled on the couch and Master Derek tucked a blanket around me and brought me a bottle of water.

“I’m going to call the Landrys and have them wait a bit before meeting with us, and then I’m going to get some work done while you think. When you’re ready, you let me know.”

I nodded and snuggled into the soft, yet surprisingly heavy blanket. It felt like a tight hug and was apparently exactly what I needed to help me relax.

Closing my eyes, I thought about my choice. The easy thing to do would be to let Master Derek spank me and be on my way, but the Landrys were an intriguing couple, and if I chose them it would give me more time to get to know them and see what they were all about. And I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to be turned over her knee while Zack watched. The thought made me all warm and squirmy. But despite the squirmy feeling, before I knew it, the thoughts all went silent and I faded off to sleep.

I don’t think I slept long because my body didn’t have the stiff feeling from being curled up like I was. Sitting up, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and took my binky out of my mouth.

“How was your nap, little one?”

“It was good. I’m sorry I fell asleep.”
