Page 74 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“I don’t like it, Daddy. It tastes so artificial.”

“It’s this or pills, baby.”

She was notoriously bad at swallowing pills. “I don’t want either.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, you know, I might have some suppository painkillers.”

Oh, heck no.

“I’ll take the liquid stuff! I’ll drink down the yucky stuff!” she said, jumping to her feet and practically leaping at him.

Luckily, he must have figured out her next move because he grabbed her, pulling her close with one arm as he held the cup away from him so it didn’t spill.

“All right, brat,” he murmured. “Calm.” He sat her back down and she took her medicine like the good girl she was.

“Let’s get you dressed in some proper clothes. I’m going to make French Toast for breakfast.”

“That’s just what I feel like, Daddy,” she told him as he dressed her in a pair of black tights, then a red pleated tartan skirt. Finally, he slid on a red, long-sleeved T-shirt and a green fluffy sweater with a picture of a deer on the front. She loved this sweater, and it felt so good when she rubbed the material over her face.

Sighing, she felt far happier as he settled her on the sofa under the blanket with Scruffy Dog and a sippy cup of water.

“I think you’re probably dehydrated. Which is part of the reason you have a headache. So I want all of this sippy cup gone by the time I return with your breakfast. After breakfast, if you’re feeling better, we can go to your playroom for a while. This afternoon, while you nap, I’ll catch up on some things.”

“No nap!”

He gave her a stern look. “Yes, you will have a nap.”

“I don’t want one. I’m not tired.”

“Baby, you’re exhausted.”

She sighed. Long and hard. They’d see about that. “Will you leave?”

He gave her a curious look.

“You said you had things to catch up on. Will you leave me here? Alone?”

She couldn’t be without him right now. Just the thought of him leaving her . . . she could feel herself starting to panic.

“I won’t leave you, precious baby. I promise.” He crouched down and cupped her face between his hands. “I won’t leave you.”

She let out a sigh and gave him a wobbly smile. “Sorry I’m being so needy.”

He frowned. “Is that your way of asking for a spanking?”

Her eyes widened. “What? No!”

“You sure? Because you know I’ll always give you what you need. Even if what you need is a trip over my knee to redden your ass.”

“I do not need a spanking, Daddy!” She pouted. “That’s not nice.”

“Drink your water. I expect it all gone.” He left the living room and walked toward the kitchen.

“He’s so darn bossy, Scruffy Dog.” Instead of turning up the television which was set on low, she reached over and grabbed her phone. Before she could truly relax, she needed to make a couple of calls. There was no way she wanted her cousin and best friend finding out what happened on the news or something. They would freak out.

Chardonnay’s phone was turned off, and she winced as she realized the other woman had likely been dancing at Pinkies last night and would be sleeping.

Instead of calling Effie, she decided to text her and ask her to call when she was free. She didn’t want to risk waking her up. Her phone immediately started ringing.
