Page 24 of Shattered Trust

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Maybe the worst of his grief was fading. She hoped so, for his sake. “I'm glad. And I’m always here if you want to talk.” She returned his hug and pressed a kiss to his forehead, wishing she could ease his pain in some way. He was growing up so fast. “Goodnight.”

“G’night.” He yawned and she laughed softly, crossing the room to turn out the light and then closing the door behind her.

It was only nine o’clock and as she wasn't quite ready to go to bed, she wandered down the hall looking for Austin. He wasn't in the kitchen or in the living room, watching TV. The patio doors in the living room were open, leading to the enclosed backyard. She found him sitting outside in a lounge chair wearing a T-shirt and swim trunks, using his toe to make waves in the calm water of his pool.

“I'm sure you'll have trouble sleeping tonight.” She came out to stand beside him. “It's hard to get back on a normal schedule after pulling an all nighter.”

“Maybe a little,” he admitted. He gestured to the empty lounge chair beside him. “Have a seat. I was just thinking of going for a swim. Care to join me?”

A swim with Austin sounded like heaven. The cool water looked as if it would soothe her ragged nerves. Yet she knew that accepting Austin's offer would not be the smartest thing in the world.

She liked him far too much already. More so after everything he'd done for her son.

“I don't know.” She hesitated, trying to think of a good excuse. Difficult to come up with something when she really wanted to join him.

“Please? The water is refreshing.” He stood, stripped off his T-shirt and jumped into the water making a huge splash and raining drops of water on her heated skin. Sluicing water off his face, he tossed back his wet hair and grinned. “Swimming alone isn't much fun. Come on in. The water is awesome.”

She wavered, torn between what she wanted and what was smart. Thinking back to their kiss in the kitchen, she remembered how mortified she’d been to know he’d pulled away from her. Was that because he was only interested in having fun? He had a reputation for avoiding serious relationships. At the time she assumed he'd pulled away because she wasn't his type.

Yet things had changed since then. They were friends. Two friends could hang out together without getting all weird about it. “All right. I'll change into my swimsuit.”

She hurried and dug through her dresser until she found her swimsuit. It was a modest royal blue one piece that matched her eyes. Although when she walked back outside, she felt extremely self-conscious wearing the figure hugging nylon. Austin was doing laps lengthwise in the pool, so she stood at the edge and dipped her toe in, testing the water temperature.

Cool, but not unbearably so. Refreshing in the muggy heat of the night. Before she could lower herself to the edge, a hand grabbed her foot and jerked her off balance.

“Yikes!” She squeaked before plummeting into the cool depths of the pool.

When she emerged, spitting mad, she heard Austin's deep chuckle. The sound soothed her annoyance. She hadn't heard him laugh much lately. “You'd better watch out,” she threatened. “I don't get mad, I get even.”

“Oh yeah?” He taunted. “Give it your best shot, Babe.”

Babe? She wasn't anyone’s babe. Betting that Austin didn't know she'd spent several summers on the beach as a lifeguard, she slid beneath the water and silently made her way across the pool. When she found his legs treading water, she gave a hard yank and then jackknifed out of reach.

They goofed around in the water, each trying to sneak up and dunk the other. Austin was fast, but she had stealth, keeping the score fairly even until he caught her off guard for a second dunking moments after the first.

She pushed off the bottom of the pool breaking the surface while coughing and sputtering, having swallowed a mouthful of water.

His strong arms lifted her up, holding her safely against his chest while she struggled to breathe.

“I'm sorry, are you all right?” His tone was contrite.

She gasped between coughs. “I give up. You win.” She rested her hands on his slick broad shoulders to help maintain her balance.

“I'm sorry,” he repeated in a low tone. His chest was warm, her legs entwining with his as he held her. “I shouldn't have let things get so competitive. Blame it on growing up with five siblings. My older brothers were always trying to get the better of me.”

“I'm okay,” she managed, although she wasn't certain that was true. Being close to him was wreaking havoc with her common sense. The way he held her so tenderly in his arms, she knew she'd better move away before she did something she'd regret.

Although she honestly couldn't say she'd regretted kissing him the other night.

His arms tightened, pulling her close. “Lindsey,” he murmured, smoothing her wet hair away from her face before lowering his head toward her mouth. She met him halfway, eager to taste him.

How was it possible this kiss was better than the first? There wasn't any hesitation between them. The moment their mouths touched, she parted her lips, inviting him deeper.

She barely noticed when he drew her toward the shallow end of the pool. When their legs bumped against the steps, she broke free.

“Austin?” She wasn't sure what she was asking.

“Come here, to the lounge chair.” His voice was low and husky. “We need to talk.”
