Page 59 of Sanctuary

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Jasper did the same for each of the men. Then he and Ama took their seats beside our family in the front row.

There was no priest or official this time. We were already bonded, and there was no magic to call forth. This ceremony was simply a renewal, a chance to express our intent and celebrate our mate bond the way we should have done the first time around. Today marked the one-year anniversary of our previous binding. And this time, there would be no contracts, or addendums, or end dates.

Bach stepped forward and took my hand as we stood facing each other before the crowd. His voice was gently amplified by Fife's magic, so everyone in the garden and the ballroom beyond could hear his pledge. "Lady Katrina Bellflower," he said, his blue eyes locked on mine and his expression full of devotion. "I proudly proclaim you my bonded, before the eyes of our people. You are my heart, my magic, and my life's blood now and forever. I am yours."

The words were simple and to the point. But they carried so much sincerity that I had to blink back tears. My voice wavered with the strength of my emotion as I spoke. "I accept you before the eyes of our people. We are one heart, one magic, one life's blood, now and forever. I accept you as my own."

The traditional binding kiss wasn't anything like our first bonding ceremony. The warm, firm press of Bach's lips against my own, the way his big hands cradled my face…it wiped away all memory of that first awkward farce of a ceremony.

And then it was Mirri's turn. The love in those gold eyes warmed my heart as we repeated the pledge to each other. His kiss was sweet and fiery, and left me feeling too warm under the thin layers of my fancy gown. When he pulled back, he took my hand and lifted it to kiss the new ring I wore—a gift from my mates the evening before. It matched the spelled rings I had given Mirri when they won the tournament of hearts, marking me as one of their inseparable tribe.

Adder had refused to seal the bond during the initial bonding ceremony after the tournament. He had simply pretended to kiss me for the sake of appearances. This time, after we said our pledge, the tall, stoic silver-haired fae bent and claimed my mouth in a fierce, deep kiss for all the world to see. There was no pretending between us now. No demand to prove myself. When he pulled back, I was panting. His lips curved upward in a genuine smile just for me.

Fife was last, and like before, he easily outshone everyone in the room. He spoke his pledge with a lilting cadence that almost made the words into a song—one crafted especially for me. When he took my hands, his magic leapt from him to me just like before, but there was no pain this time, no anger or hurt in his aura. It was an unseen caress. He kissed me as if he were seducing me all over again, and every bit of me lit up in response. Then Fife pulled away to whisper a threat, just as he had during our initial bonding. But this time, his words had a completely different meaning. "And now we're all yours," he murmured, wicked promise sparking in his light green eyes.

And with that, we all linked hands and turned to face the gathered guests to a roar of cheering and applause and a rain of flowers and bundles of herbs thrown by well-wishers.

The celebration had begun much earlier in the day, with dancing and feasting, and games. And after the ceremony, it stretched long into the wee hours of the morning, with all the wild revelry expected of a fae party.

When we finally retired for the night, Bach surprised me by sweeping me up into his powerful arms and carrying me down the hall to our suite. When he placed me on my feet inside our rooms, the lock clicked as someone ensured our privacy. Then my mates were there, urgent and hungry, ready to celebrate in the only way that truly mattered.

Before long, we were all divested of our finery, and I knelt on the bed, straddling Bach with Mirri behind me. I sank down onto Bach's thick hardness with a groan of relief. Then I stilled. Mirri's dragonfly wings fluttered and snapped as he eased his small, vibrating cock into my ass. My hips rolled of their own accord, my body desperate to move things along. Both men gasped, and soon we were moving in tandem as pleasure coursed through all of us, amplified by our bond.

Adder and Fife came to kneel on either side of us, Adder reaching out to tease my nipples while Fife devoured my mouth. They leaned over Bach to share a kiss full of passion and teeth, and I moaned at the erotic sight, even as my climax rushed over me, squeezing Bach and Mirri tight. The two men inside me joined me in the release, leaving us all breathless and shuddering. But I wasn't satisfied yet. I needed them all.

Disentangling myself from Bach and Mirri, I went eagerly into Adder's arms. He kissed me deeply, then dragged his serpent's fangs along the sensitive skin of my neck. "I'm going to fuck you now," he growled against my skin, "and I'm going to bite you while Fife fucks me."

"Oh, moonbeams, yes," I breathed in agreement. There was nothing more beautiful than watching my males pleasure each other. Except for being part of that pleasure.

Moments later, I was on my back with my legs draped over Adder's shoulders as he sank his massive double-headed cock into me. I gasped when he bottomed out, then watched his face, feeling him tense and relax, watching him sigh in bliss as Fife worked his magic, filling the other man from behind.

"Okay?" Fife murmured as he pressed a kiss to Adder's shoulder. It was always there, the little moments of sweetness and care that spoke louder than all their passionate ferocity.

In answer, Adder pulled out of me slightly, pressing himself back onto Fife before slamming forward again, earning a groan from both of us at the same time. Fife chuckled and gripped Adder's hips. Then all caution fled.

My breasts jiggled with every deep, violent thrust as Fife drove Adder into me, driving all of us higher with every passing second. At the last moment, Adder bent and buried his slender fangs into the juncture of my neck and shoulder. His venom sent euphoria tingling through me. lighting up every nerve ending.

When the three of us climaxed together, my world whited out and I was completely lost in breathless, unending pleasure.

It was quite some time later when we had finally all exhausted ourselves. My mates were insatiable. But I wasn't much better. It was going to make it hard to ever get any work done around here now that we were all so close.

But I wasn't going to complain about that one bit.

As I cuddled down to sleep, I was surrounded by the warmth and magic of my mates. Queen Iris had alluded to this ages ago, when she coerced me into the tournament and bespelled me to hide my identity. She had promised that it would all be worth it. And now, surrounded by the new family I hadn’t even known I needed…I was immensely grateful I had been dragged into the fae queen's silly little Game of Hearts.
