Page 27 of Wylde

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I thought I was going to puke. “Why the fuck did you bring me here, Deacon?” My voice was barely above a whisper. This couldn’t be happening. “I’ll make it worse.” If I’d pushed Danica to this, I’d never forgive myself. Sting wouldn’t have to cull me from the Tzars. If this was my fault, I’d take myself out.

“Because, you dumb shit, Apple called me. It wasn’t her who made the fuckin’ phone call.”

“You better start makin’ sense, motherfucker,” I snarled. My head was spinning. Was this my fault? Had Danica snapped because I’d pushed her too far? But that didn’t make sense. Danica would harm herself before she harmed those girls. And if she harmed herself, the girls would definitely be harmed. So there was no way to work this out in my head.

Then something occurred to me.

“Wait a minute. Are you saying they got swatted?”

“What’s that?” Clutch asked glancing at me in the rearview mirror.

“Someone calls the police claiming to be someone else. Convinces them there is imminent danger if they don’t intervene. Then the police go in like a SWAT team, expecting heavy, dangerous resistance. It’s a prank, but anyone calling in something like this is expecting someone to get hurt.” Or killed, but I couldn’t say that. Not now. It just… stuck in my throat.

“Then, it’s looking like that’s exactly what happened,” Clutch muttered.

“Apple said the cops burst in with assault rifles. Lemon, of course, attacked the second they burst through the door. It’s a thousand wonders she didn’t get shot instead of backhanded like she did.”

“Is she OK?”

Clutch shrugged. “Fixin’ to find out.”

“Where’s Stitches? If they’re hurt, he needs to be here.” My heart was pounding. Why would anyone swat Danica or the girls? This made no fucking sense.

“He’s on the way. Was at the hospital in the middle of a shift.”

Deacon had yet to speak, but I could feel the anger and fear rolling off the man. He was really gone on Apple. I could see sweat trickling down his temple and the pulse at his neck beat like mad.

My chest felt like someone was sitting on it. My pulse raced. Sweat beaded my brow and upper lip.

“What about Dani? Was she hurt?”

Neither man spoke.

My world dropped. I couldn’t breathe. I was totally going to puke. Thankfully we pulled up outside Danica’s house and I shoved open the door to the vehicle and stumbled out.

Police cars were all over the place. Lights flashed. Cops milled about, some in tactical gear. Ambulances with red flashing lights mingled with the blue from the cops turning the place into something out of an urban warzone. I thought I saw Raven giving some dumbass hell, but all that was on the peripheral. I had to find Danica. Right fucking now.

“Danica!” I bellowed her name as I charged toward the house. A cop stepped in front of me, but I shoved him away. Two more took his place and the fight was on.

I’m not sure what happened after that. I know I got hit more than once. Then I got tazed. At one point, someone waved an ammonia capsule under my nose, and I started fighting again. Then Stitches smacked me across the face.

“Snap out of it!”

“Christ, Stitches.” Was that Henry? What the fuck was he doing here? “Now’s not the time for fuckin’ movie lines.”

“Look. It had to be done. I left the hospital in the middle of my shift. Second doc in the ER was understanding, and it wasn’t too much for him to handle for an hour or so, but I could still get fired. If I am, I might as well have some fun out of this before I get my fuckin’ license pulled for abandonment.”

“The man’s worried about Danica, Stitches. Leave him be.”

“Oh, yeah? Worried, huh? I heard what he did. The whole fuckin’ club knows. According to him, he doesn’t feel anything for her but a healthy dose of lust. If that’s the case, he’s acting fuckin’ crazy and needed his head smacked.”

I sat up, my head pounding, my muscles aching. “Motherfucker.” I stumbled to my feet and turned back to the house.

“You under control now?” Stitches asked, stepping in my line of sight to the house. “‘Cause if you’re not, you need to go back to the fuckin’ cage and calm the fuck down.”

“Where’s Dani?”

“She’s in the house with Lemon.”
