Page 34 of Wylde

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Bellarose, Atlas’s wife, gave me a soft smile. “This is apparently what he does when he’s hunting.”

Odette shrugged her delicate shoulders. She was Cyrus’s woman, and Cyrus was Wylde’s closest and best friend. From what I’d learned over the last week, Cyrus had as many issues as Wylde had with emotions but because he had a mild form of Asperger’s Syndrome instead of emotional childhood trauma. Though, I was becoming aware that more than one of the men and women in this close-knit group had had rough lives. “Cyrus says it’s how he works. He gets hyper-focused.” She smiled. “If you’re worried he doesn’t want you here, don’t be. Cyrus says you’re good for him. That you understand what he needs and provide it without him or anyone else having to ask.”

“Do you know what he’s working on? I assume it’s something for the club. I don’t mean to intrude, but I’ve barely seen him for over a week. When I do, he’s a completely different person than the Wylde I’ve seen before.”

“It wasn’t for the club to begin with. Wasn’t more than a project for him.” The big man approaching us was as large as the others, but had a slightly more civilized look about him. Sort of. “Once his woman and her sisters got caught up in this mess, it became the club’s business.”

“I don’t understand.” I had the thought I should be afraid of this guy because he looked so intense, but it was hard to fear him when he looked down at the woman next to him with such love and affection in his gaze.

“Wylde thinks what happened to you might be linked to a couple of gamers he’s been engaging with. The harder he digs, the more roadblocks he’s come up against. Which makes him more all the more suspicious.” He smiled at me. “I’m Roman. You’ve already meant Winter.” He indicated the woman at his side.

“Yes. I’ve met Serelda too.”

“If there’s a way to figure out who did this, Wylde will get it done.” Winter smiled.

“I know. I’m just worried about him. He barely comes out, and when he does he snaps at everyone.”

Instantly, Rose’s face hardened. “He being mean to you?”

“Me? No! Not at all. I just don’t see him much. I try to keep him fed and coffeed, but he must be, as you say, hyper focused on this.”

“He is.” Cyrus came up behind Odette and put his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “It’s his way. He gets cranky and locks himself in his office. I like that you started taking him food.” He gave me a small grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes. It was nothing like the smile he gave Odette. It was oddly sweet, because I could see the same looks from Wylde. Apparently, the two men were more alike than either wanted to admit. “Let’s the rest of us keep out of his way.”

As if on cue, there was a frustrated roar followed by a loud crash from Wylde’s office. Roman gave a long-suffering sigh while Cyrus snorted.

“Speaking of which,” Bella said, taking my arm. “Maybe we should get him some more coffee. Or, you know, leave it at the entrance to the dragon’s lair.” Her lips twitched, but I could also see she was at least half serious. Probably trying to protect me. It seemed like everyone here tried to take care of both me and the girls.

“Mother fuck!” Wylde roared from his office.

“Nope.” I surprised myself with that. “You guys go on and clear a path. The man’s been holed up in that office for over a week. It’s time he came out and took a break.”

“Not sure that’s a wise idea, little sister,” Roman said with a worried look. “He’s pretty intense when he’s on the hunt.”

“Don’t care. This isn’t healthy and he needs a break. Even if it’s only for an hour.” I put my hand on the doorknob to turn it. Locked. I looked up at Roman with a raised brow. “Well?”

“Don’t look at me,” he chuckled, backing away a couple of steps with his hands raised. “I ain’t goin’ in there.”

“Are you scared of him?”

Roman barked a laugh. “Might be. If I am, ain’t no one here who’d fault me. Wylde’s a real prickly pear when he’s deep on a hunt.”

For some reason, Bella paled. She gave me a forced, watery smile. “I’m sorry, Dani. I need… uh… I need to go…” She turned to leave. Atlas, her husband, rounded the corner and met her gaze. The big man stopped in his tracks before looking around the group, searching for the threat.

“It’s all right, Atlas.” Winter wrapped her arm around Rose. “Memories are not kind at the moment.”

Atlas nodded as Winter helped Rose to her husband. He picked her up and practically surrounded her small body with his fierce embrace. Then Bella wrapped her arms and legs around him and Atlas carried her away from the group.

“Did I do something wrong?” I’d never forgive myself if I’d unintentionally hurt Bella. She was so sweet but fierce. Apple reminded me a lot of Bella. She was so sweet and kind to everyone, yet there was a protective streak inside her reserved for her inner-most circle. I was all too aware that included me now.

“No, Dani.” Roman’s features were strained, as if he too were remembering something unpleasant. “It wasn’t you. It’s the situation. The last time Wylde was this focused on hunting his prey, the compound was attacked and Bella lost the baby she was carrying.”

“Oh, God,” I whispered, covering my mouth with my hand. “Is the club in that kind of danger now?”

Roman shook his head. “No. Wylde thinks everything is aimed at you and the girls.”

“But if we’re here, wouldn’t that put you all in danger too?”

“Absolutely not. From what Wylde says, even if this guy commits or incites violence, it’s not going to be something like what happened last time. It will be something like what happened at your house. No matter what, though, we’ve learned and adapted since the last attack. No one will get close to us like that again.” If anyone else but one of the men in this club had made that statement, I’d have chalked it up to wishful thinking. But not here. I could see on the faces of everyone here -- including the women -- they meant business.
