Page 37 of Impromptu Match

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I nodded, automatically accepting Holt’s bottle of water when he handed it to me. “I had fun too. It was awesome, honestly.”

“It was.” There was a beat of silence. “Did we, um, leave a mess in your office?”

I let out a shaky snort, then finally had a sip of water before setting the bottle down. “A little. You’d changed the sign to say HotSex Corporation. And we, um, farted in Chase’s office.”

“Oh god, yeah, I remember.” Holt cringed. “I’d had one brewing for a while, so that was definitely my idea.”

A little snuffle of laughter escaped me as I grinned at him, but the smile dropped from my face when I took him in, finally processing the fact that this was what he actually looked like. The grey skin and sharp cheekbones and pointed ears and those interesting hot pink eyes.

This was his actual face.

That was wild.

And so weirdly hot.

Holt had initially smiled back at me, but his mouth thinned into a grim line when he realised I was staring at him in shock. He averted his gaze, eyes hidden by his long lashes, and picked uncomfortably at his suit cuff.

“I like the way you look,” I blurted, blood rushing to my face. But I wanted him to know.

His eyes shot back to mine. He licked his lips nervously. “Yeah?”

“Yes.” I swallowed thickly. “It’s really… You’re… you’re really…”

I trailed off as we stared at each other. My heart was pounding, my adrenaline through the freaking roof after finding out I was surrounded by literal mythical beings. Holt’s chest was rising faster. The roar of the crowd and the frantic yelling of the commentator over the mic were muffled to my ears. I’d been enthralled by the wrestling before—before I even knew that they weren’t fucking human—but now I couldn’t look away from Holt.

He’s too hot and interesting for you, dork. There’s no way he would ever—

Holt lunged for me, and before I could even really process it, I was meeting him halfway so our lips crushed together in a hard clash. It wasn’t soft or tentative. It was frantic and messy as he pushed me back so I was lying down and clambered on top of me with uncoordinated movements, too busy plunging his tongue into my mouth to do it gracefully.

Oh god. I shuddered hard, my cock already stiffening in a rush. I hadn’t kissed anyone in so long. No! Don’t think about Marcus!

Holt moaned desperately into my mouth, his hands already shoving under my shirt to slide over my bare stomach. I tried not to get self-conscious. He probably had, like, a six-pack under his suit, and I didn’t even have a two-pack. I was pretty sure I’d actually been born without abdominal muscles or something.

But he seemed to like it, because he groaned raggedly and pressed his hips closer, and my breath caught when I felt his hard dick rubbing against my thigh. My hips strained up of their own volition as I buried my fingers in his long hair to keep his mouth fused to mine, and soon we were dry-humping frantically, without any finesse, our tongues thrusting together in desperation.

Holt’s long fingers started fumbling with the button on my jeans. My cock jerked, trapped uncomfortably down my right pant leg. He finally popped the button and got the zipper down, making me shiver with heady anticipation as I kissed him feverishly. Our legs were tangled together on the couch, but my knees spread open wider as I strained my hips up, desperate to feel his hand on me. Fuck, I needed his hand on my dick so bad—I was already so hard it hurt. I was pretty sure I’d never been this hard before. I could feel the inside of my boxer briefs getting hot and damp with pre-cum just from rubbing against him.

He reached in, and we both moaned when his fingers wrapped around the root of my cock. Finally tearing my mouth free to take a shaky breath, I felt my dick throb in his hand and gasped unsteadily. “H-Holt.”

He was too busy chasing my mouth to answer, crushing his lips back to mine with a ragged groan as he let go of my dick and burrowed his hand deeper to cup my balls.

“Fuck, Taylor,” he panted desperately against my mouth between more messy kisses. “I want you to sit on my face and dip your balls into my mouth.”

Good lord. Marcus had never said anything like that to me. In fact, he’d never even expressed any kind of interest in me doing that.

But oh my god, I wanted to do it with Holt. Now I was picturing it, and the mental image almost threatened to make me explode in my pants. Holt lying back on the couch, possibly stroking his dick, his hot pink eyes flaring with lust as I stripped naked and straddled his face…

“Cora took another fucking dump,” Larkin announced as he flung open the door to the private box. “Seriously, what is Corey feeding her?”

I sucked in a panicked breath against Holt’s mouth. He froze for a split second, then frantically tried to yank his hand out of my underwear, but his cufflink got caught on my pubes and ripped a few of them out, making me squawk in pain.

Holt popped up to stare at Larkin over the back of the couch, breathing hard with his hair a wild mess from my hands. I was hurriedly refastening my pants with shaking fingers, still lying down out of sight.

“You were banging, weren’t you?” I heard Larkin ask, a sly smirk in his voice.

“No,” Holt shot back defensively, then cleared his throat, trying to appear composed as he smoothed his hair. “We were just—”

“I passed out again,” I blurted, struggling upright and trying very hard to ignore my cock throbbing in my pants.
